How To Explain Antisemitism?

You can’t really, because it’s completely illogical, but there are observations to be made. We’ll start with Citizen Tom’s excellent post, Destroying The Foundation, where Tom states: 

To hate Jews is to hate the people Jesus chose as His people, to be His family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen. To hate Jews is to hate the people Jesus chose to give us His Word. To hate the Jews is equivalent to being ignorant of God’s Word.

He then goes on to list reasons why people night be antisemitic having to do with envy, religious bigotry and blame shifting and states, “All these possibilities equate to hating, instead of loving, one’s neighbor. If we can use a lame excuse to hate the Jews, we can hate anyone.

I agree with this and Tom’s implication that antisemitism is tied directly to Satan and his followers, whether they realize it or not. Revelations 12 also provides a good depiction of this hatred of the Jewish nation.

One very not surprising way this is being expressed today is via the protests for Palestine that have sprouted like bad weeds throughout wealthy, liberal cities. The participants oddly, but maybe not so surprisingly, all strike a familiar pattern; a very aggrieved and decidedly non-oppressed collection of misfits screeching lunacies like from the river to the sea with impassioned, clueless certainty.

Most sport the signature face mask beneath crazy, dead eyes, paired with bright pink or blue hair, with shockingly unaware signs equating solidarity between LGBQT and Palestine sprinkled throughout. Do they really not know how gays/transgenders are treated in the Middle East? Everywhere but Israel that is? Should we tell them?

An interesting perspective on this come’s from Abigail Shrier’s column in Commentary, This is Not a Drill, where she masterly paints a disturbing picture of pure hatred and envy as the root cause of present day antisemitism, where this clown show of marching Machiavellians are not ignorant at all. Indeed they are perfectly aware of the reality on the ground in Israel and the situation of gays in Gaza. 

As Ms. Shrier states:

So don’t bother informing Gays 4 Gaza that same-sex attraction is proscribed by criminal law in Gaza, backed by a penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment, in that very territory they’re so wild about. No need to educate them about the finding by Pew Research that the Palestinian population’s opposition to homosexuality is among the highest in the world; that in 2016, Hamas responded to a senior commander’s homosexual activity with a firing squad; or that gay adoption and gay marriage are strictly forbidden in Palestinian territories.

They already know—and they really, truly don’t care.

She then goes on to explain that all of the assorted grievances groups that have come together for these protests (climate activists, Black Lives Matter, etc….) really could give a hoot about their associated cause de jour because it’s not about solving anything, but destroying the civil society they’ve been groomed to hate.

While I don’t agree these protestors are really not that ignorant (mot anyway), I do think Ms. Shrier touches on an important issue. For the past 20 years or so, people have been programmed to hate their country, to fear others who don’t look like them and who think everything wrong in their lives is due to something systemic in a society ruled by whitoppression and that it all need to be torn down. 

It’s victimhood mentality run head on in to intersectionality, which an earlier blog post of mine describes as: 

“The belief that societal oppression intersects among various tribes whose powerlessness is based on the the number of victim points they have.  A transgender, black woman under this system garners more sympathy than a white gay man who only has 1 grievance box checked to her 3. There’s no accounting for a person’s unique background and character traits and no individuality, just balkanized groups assigned different spots on the hierarchy ladder of oppression .”

It basically boils down to all injustices being interconnected and whether you are committing the injustice as the oppressor or receiving them as the oppressed, is defined by superficial traits like skin color. These views are seeded, nurtured, placated and encouraged by schools, the media, Hollywood, HR departments throughout the country and by nearly every elite institution that makes up our culture.

This is giant flame next to powder keg type propaganda and it’s destroying this country. The world really.

And guess which side of the oppressor/oppressee coin the Jews fall under? Despite repeated persecutions and near annihilation several times throughout history, Jews are somehow excluded from the oppressed class and get lumped in with the white oppressor group.

Why, you ask? All the more easy then to link Palestinian plight to “the struggles of students of color, student survivors of sexual assault, and all others who on campus fight against oppression, whether imperialism, racism, patriarchy, police violence, or other systemic inequities” as this interesting article states.

In my book, this very much explains the explosion of useful idiots on college campus and the blatant antisemitism that’s making Jewish students feel unsafe.

Antisemitism is both simple and complicated and I don’t think we will ever fully understand it on this side of the grave. I can tell you though that how Jews are treated in the world is a microcosm on how healthy the inhabitants of this planet are. Right now I’d say things are decidedly unhealthy and that the Jews unfortunately are the canary in the coal mine for what’s in store. A very rocky future I’m afraid.

Posted in Antisemitism, Cultural Marxism, entitlememt mentality, identity politics, intersectionality, Uncategorized, victimhood mentality | Tagged , , | 36 Comments

Do The Opposite of What They Say

Do you remember the Seinfeld episode when George decides to do the opposite of whatever his first instinct is? He’s so sick of being a loser, he goes all out with this and thus the greatest pick up line of all time was born.

My name is George, I’m unemployed and live with my parents….”

It was a funny show for an innocent time where people of all beliefs could belly laugh together and agree on commonly accepted things, like oh, that our government has our best interest at heart.

I’ve always been skeptical about the so called good governments can do, because its main purpose should be on protecting our ability to pursue our own good interests, not in providing them.

These past few years have really change my outlook though and I’m firmly convinced that for the good of the people is at best an unintended consequence of whatever cockanamie schemes dim politicians dream up and that in fact our well being is but an after thought for government bureaucrats, whose entire purpose is to grow larger, wealthier and more powerful.

Case in point, last Sunday, Southern California was supposed to get slammed by an unprecedented hurricane coming up from Mexico. At least that’s what the media and local government officials were breathlessly telling us. Our ridiculous governor immediately called a State of Emergency before any raindrops fell and the even more ridiculous San Diego Mayor posted THIS on his Twitter page:

Leaving aside my post traumatic Covid PsychOps hangover, I was still in shock that those exact words were used. This horrible phrase caused so much emotional turmoil and damage to society it should never be repeated again, let alone by someone in leadership. Yet there it was and right then I knew I would NOT be staying home, NOR playing it safe and would go about my weekend as normal.

Of course the hurricane did what they always do when hitting the cool waters of the Pacific and downgraded itself to not even a tropical storm, but a decent rainstorm with some high winds at times. Nothing close to a stay home/stay safe event.

Many people freaked out though and started panic buying toilet paper, while lots of businesses closed down for the day. My mom’s senior living complex actually went in to what they called a temporary LOCKDOWN! For everyone’s safety of course.

Being prepared is one thing and giving people accurate information so they can do what they feel is necessary is good. This instant State of Emergency position and breathless fear mongering however is not healthy and I’m afraid has become the default position for incompetent politicians scouring for federal funds and who want to play act being heroes.

Meanwhile, when something really dangerous happens like the horrible Maui fires, grossly incompetent politicians, along with their green energy nonsense turned an already bad situation in to a catastrophic nightmare, causing hundreds of deaths.

The Maui Emergency Management Administrator chose not to sound the alarm that is supposed to go off for, well, you know emergencies, allowing the fast moving fires to catch thousands of people off guard, many of which inevitably perished.

Just as bad, the local official in charge of water resources, delayed requests by firefighters to release water to fill the reservoirs until after the fire had ravaged the island. This person was apparently concerned with what environmental impact the waters would have on farmland and wanted consultations with local farmers before any action was taken. Oh, ok.

On top of that, residents trying to flee to safety were turned around by officials who had barricaded the roads to clear up downed power lines. Those that knew better did the opposite of what they were told and drove to safety, while those that obeyed were trapped and perished.

Meanwhile Hawaii Governor Josh Green is already blaming his governments utterly atrocious fire response on climate change and shaming his own citizens for going outside the main stream media for accurate information.

Appalling is the only printable word that comes to mind.

Remember, do not expect the government to have your best interest at heart, in many ways their goals run diametrically opposed to your well being.

Side note: George Carlin was a very funny man, but also well known for his mistrust of the government. In fact his quotes from 30 years ago on body autonomy and personal agency seem downright prophetic today.

Posted in freedom, Political, Random Thoughts, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 17 Comments

Dr. Fauci-BS Superspreader Extraordinaire

This video is so crazy, I’m still processing it. I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or scream in horror. For now I’m going with laughter mixed with a heaping dose of schadenfreude, because, well, because it feels good to have your beliefs affirmed. For almost almost 3 years I’ve thought Tony Fauci an arrogant, lying, prig who has no idea how real people live and the video shows this in spades. What a creep.

It was shot in June of 2021, a time when Covid vaccine hysteria in this country was ramping up and the narrative that you were a dumb, dirty person for refusing it was being gelled. It shows Tony Fauci and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser going door to door in a poor, black area known as Ward 8, attempting to convince the unwashed to get vaccinated.

It all starts off well enough for Fauci, as he moves through familiar territory, with people fawning over him and laughing about The Fauci Ouchie. Conversations with Mayor Bowser on just what to do about those anti vaxxers are sprinkled about too, just reeking with condescension.

“Sometimes people aren’t opposed…”

“Yeah, I know…”

“But they do need a little push.”

“Yeah, they need a little push.”

“A push and a drag”

“What are we gonna do about those other states?”

“Oh my God, they’re gonna keep the outbreak smoldering.”

“They’re not doing it because they say they don’t want to do it, they’re Republicans, they don’t like to be told what to do.”

Things start to change at about mark, 4:09 where some light pushback occurs and Fauci responds of course by repeatedly lying about getting vaccinated to protect others. Then at mark 4:55 the real fun begins when one gentlemen who knows what’s, what completely blindsides Fauci. The man is so totally on target.

“Then you start talking about paying people to get vaccinated, when you start talking about incentivizing those things to get people vaccinated, there’s something else going on with that. You all attack people with fear.”

Seeing Bowser twist herself in to one large virtue signaling pretzel in response was amusing too. “The only reason I’m talking to you now, as close as we are is that I’ve been vaccinated.” Blah, blah, blah.

It’s hard to believe that these clueless bozos and others like them held such enormous power over our lives, yet were wrong on nearly everything about the pandemic.

Never, ever forget what they did to us. Keep videos like this for when you need a reminder. Or good laugh.

Posted in Coronavirus, Covid vaccines, COVID-19, Masks, Political, Vaccines | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Sunday funnies

Posted by the always humorous bluebird of bitterness, perfect for Sunday evening! Make sure to click the link below.

Sunday funnies
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“A Woman is Anyone Who Wants To Identify as One”

The title of this post is a direct quote from one of the young ladies in the2 minute video below when asked how to define what a woman is. The body language daggers come out quick, as six of the seven become visibly uncomfortable and appear horrified such a question would even be asked. If looks could kill, the host would certainly be in bad shape.

There is a lot going on in the transgender movement; some of it laughable and easy to write off, but much of it is disturbing and worth our attention. Self mutilation with irreversible surgeries and messing up hormones with pills a body was never meant for is serious business. You cannot change your sex with wishes, surgeries or pills and you certainly cannot make your problems go away by doing so. This big lie comes wrapped up in a skin of fake compassion and fed on a plate of pure opportunism by adults playing a political game.

The girls in the video make me sad as they’ve obviously been brainwashed by a wicked movement whose goal seems to be to cancel women out of society all together. Anyone who questions this must be met not just with disagreement, but with disgust, as if Hitler himself was asking.

Those girls deserve better. We all do.

Posted in Political, transgenderism, Women's Empowerment | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Just a Typical Day in Clown World….

Posted in gender issues, identity politics, Joe biden, Political, Uncategorized, Women's Empowerment | Tagged , , | 18 Comments

Modern Tyranny

Is the smell of tyranny in the air here in America? Or is that just more mad ramblings from the conspiracy minded muh freedumb crowd, a group I consider myself a proud, card carrying member of by the way.

Tyranny can be difficult to imagine in our modern culture because it brings up images of things that happened a long time ago and far away; the Stasi secret Police banging on doors in East Germany, or the Russian KGB disappearing people in the middle of the night or China subjecting outspoken dissidents to forced organ donation and/or horrible beatings. Actually this still happens in China.

But in today’s America? I argue yes, not only is tyranny alive and well here on our Western shores, but thriving. Mind you, I’m not expecting a knock at the door in the middle of the night (not yet anyway), but the amount of government control over nearly aspect of our lives has grown tremendously over the last few decades. This, combined with the public’s incessant need for safetyism and an enormous deep state filled with unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats has brought us to a dangerous tipping point.

The recent controversy over banning gas stoves is a perfect example. The push for this was hatched a few years ago by major climate action groups whose very well funded coffers flow freely to the Democratic Party. They commissioned some junk studies on gas stoves and health risks, which the press dutifully published without an ounce of critical analysis and a very naive section of the public already frightened by 3 years of Covid hysteria ate up.

Politicians of course eagerly embraced this too, using it as yet another wedge issue to beat up mean Republicans with (they want asthmatic children to die!), while raking up more campaign dollars and appearing empathetic. And don’t kid yourselves with the Biden administration’s denials on this, they really do want to take away your stoves. In fact there are already laws on the books in blue states like California and New York to prevent you from installing any type of gas appliances.

For more on Tyranny, let’s jump over to insanitybytes222 site and check out her excellent post, Tyranny is? Here IB expounds on both the political and personal ways tyranny can grow unchecked. I especially liked her tying in fear with the need for more personal control. This of course opens the door to more government involvement with the promise of increased safety. She also expounds on an awesome definition of tyranny by Citizen Tom from his equally good post, The Thoughtlessness of the Standard Liberal Democrat.

“Tyranny is making choices for others that those others have the right to make for themselves. What are those choices? In a free country we debate such matters. In a tyrannical state the tyrant decides. In a free country, we humbly admit that none of us have the either the wisdom or the right to run the lives of people who know their own situation better than we do.”

My own comment on IB’s post was that tyranny is something we should be discussing more. It’s been increasing for years here and a serious debate is long overdue. Our catastrophic pandemic response with its casual shredding of civil liberties just added jet fuel to this slow burn and has created a lingering atmosphere of oppression, which is stifling.

“It’s the threat though that the switch could flip again at any time where we find ourselves once again under new mandates that is oppressive and depressing. That is why I firmly believe that accountability for the monstrous shredding of civli liberties that occurred during Covid has to come about. Nobody who was responsible for it or who dutifully complied of course even wants to talk about it let alone expose the wrong doing and enact protocols to prevent it from happening again.”

It’s not just about the threat of reoccurring Covid mandates, although I would not rule that out. It’s that this casual dismantling of our freedoms with 0 acknowledgement from anyone involved that this was absurdly and grossly wrong, will happen again for any number of reasons. Not if, but when.

This tweet by conservative journalist Helen Andrews sums my feelings up well here:

Which brings us to the most important bulwark against a creeping and opportunistic tyranny; the people themselves. As I wrote in a post from 2016, Does Society Still Value Freedom?

“I know so many good and otherwise intelligent people that are completely willing to hand over their personal power to that inept blob of bureaucracy we call the federal government and for what? Some sense of security I suspect and the false impression that large, intrusive government programs equates to compassion.

“In reality most (programs) do not. As the government permeates in to society, the mission becomes about protecting and benefiting the managing bureaucracy and the cottage industries that support it. The needs of the people who use these programs become secondary to growing the numbers and keeping them dependent, while their self worth and initiative erodes.”

Some of us stand agog at the tyrannical nature of many politicians today and wonder how they could keep getting reelected. It’s not hard to understand though when you consider the large number of people who believe the government is keeping them safe or who are dependent on it for basic needs. It’s a form of enslavement really, of which years and years of psychological conditioning has created.

This is a big problem with no easy solutions. Neither political party is addressing it really, not in any serious way so expect more of the same nonsense in the next election.

Posted in entitlememt mentality, Personal growth, Political, Random Thoughts, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 47 Comments

A Shifting Tide on Covid Vaccines?

I’ve always loved the cartoon strip Dilbert, which follows the life of a cynical office worker dealing with the absurdities of corporate America. Other characters include Dilbert’s clueless, pointy haired boss, his equally cynical colleagues and of course Dogbert, a megalomaniac dog who dreams of conquering the world. I find it eerily similar to real life in the workforce and just hilarious!

What isn’t so funny is Dilbert strip creator, Scott Adams’s, rabidly obnoxious pro Covid 19 vaccination stance and his demonization of “anti vaxxers” as stupid, immoral people. It’s always baffled the heck out of me how someone so creative and seemingly aware of the dark side of human nature could be so off the mark, but that’s been par for the course lately.

Anyway, it appears Mr. Adams has had a change of heart (or more likely is worried about his heart), as the video below makes clear.

The anti vaxxers appear to be right. Now you’ve got natural immunity and you’ve got no vaccination in you. Can we all agree that was the winning path? The thing they’re not worried about is what I have to worry about, which is I wonder if that vaccine 5 years from now….

This is not an “I told you so” post. Rather I wanted to commend Scott Adams for his public about face, I give him a lot of props for that. I also think it’s important that people see these testimonies as surely the mainstream media will not publicize them.

Not yet anyway, but soon they will have no choice. The safe and effective narrative on Covid 19 vaccines is crumbling and many people are expressing regret. Those of you feeling the same way should know you are not alone.

For the record, I don’t feel like I’ve “won” anything either. To the contrary, this unprecedented scientific experiment on 3/4 of the worlds population, the bullying, the shaming, the mandates and atrocious gaslighting around the injuries it has caused; all of this has brought great societal harm. There are no winners here, but rectification will come at some point. The more people like Scott who come forth publicly with their regrets, the quicker it will happen.

Posted in Covid vaccines, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 36 Comments

Meet Jackie And Shadow!

No reason for this post really other than to share a webcam that brings me great joy. It’s a live view of Big Bear resident bald eagles, Shadow and Jackie. Their nest offers killer views of Big Bear Lake, a small mountain town area we visit often and you’ll often find Jackie sitting on top of her 2 recently hatched eggs, keeping them warm while hubby Shadow is off getting food, or perhaps just taking a dad break.

Often there is a lot of nothing going on, but once in awhile you’ll catch papa coming back with food, or mamma getting up to stretch her legs, er wings. And don’t worry about them getting cold like I did! Apparently eagle feathers keep their hosts very warm and even offer waterproof protection.

Here’s some more fun facts on bald eagles if you’re interested,

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Culture of Death

There is an old saying that politics is downstream of culture, meaning the values and ethics expressed through societal norms, eventually become political ones. I generally believe this to be true, although things can flow both ways. Today, we are living in profoundly antihuman times and I suspect the main driver of this is that the large numbers of people having walked away from God over the years is finally showing up full bore in our political system.

In a nutshell, the dominant culture has turned against God and so our politics have too. And since to be anti-God is to be antihuman, many political policies go directly against human flourishing and enrichment.

This downward trend had been happening for awhile, but reached its nexus during Covid, when we were forced to become lab rats for involuntary experimentation and all of life was reduced to avoiding a virus. Nearly everything that made us human and life worth living was taken away, bringing immense and preventable harm to the most vulnerable and defenseless members of society.

I don’t know if the Covid era has hardened people further, or merely accelerated what was already there, but it’s hard not to look at our world today and see a culture of death. A few examples:

  • The newly elected Senator from Georgia, Raphael Warnock, is a Southern Baptist Pastor and profoundly pro, no limit, abortion. In fact he knows that, “Even God approves of abortion.” Now, there are many, many extreme pro abortion politicians, but claiming “God approves“, or, in another interview, “it’s what Jesus would do” is a new level of repulsiveness.
  • A Canadian fashion company recently released an assisted suicide ad, under the guise of “promoting beauty. Ghoulish and exploitive yes, but not surprising considering Canada has made it legal for you to have yourself killed for almost any reason.
  • Doctors, politicians and hospital groups are actively promoting surgical disfiguration of otherwise healthy teenagers under the guise of transgenderism. Those of us that speak out about this get demonized and possibly canceled right out of the culture. This is a complete failure our young people who need psychiatric help and support, not irreversible surgeries and an enabling of harmful behavior.
  • The outlawing of fossil fuels in the name of saving the planet, based on nothing more than junk science. Literally everything in the world is either made from, or runs on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels produce cheap, abundant energy, which has created the greatest rise in living standards since the world began. Getting rid of them or exorbitantly increasing their costs creates mass suffering and death, there is no way around this, yet government leaders seem intent on trying.
  • Soft on crime laws like no cash bail and releasing violent prisoners from jail. This is not social justice in any way, shape or form. It’s done purely for political gain and creates misery for law abiding citizens, particularly ones living in low income areas. It also does not help criminals, again it’s merely enabling bad behavior and preventing those that need it most from rehabilitation.
  • Allowing homeless people to live rough out on the streets, continuing to do drugs, sell their bodies and live like animals, endlessly searching for their next hit. If they happen upon a federally funded housing program, they can continue to drink/do drugs because the government doesn’t think they are worthy enough to or capable of living productive, ethical lives. The homeless in this country are basically either left to die in the streets or sent off to die in what is essentially a government subsidized coffin.

There is much, much more I could add, but the bottom line is our culture and politics are steeped in anti human thought, philosophy and behavior, which is why everything is so chaotic. Like the yeast of the Pharisees Jesus warned about, once a little bit of evil takes hold, it spreads rapidly and completely changes whatever allows it in.

People are committing horrible acts of evil right out in the open and so many others just don’t seem to care. They live apathetic lives and distract themselves with entertainment and vacations, feeling good about themselves for having voted for the very same people that are wreaking such havoc.

Justice will come but it can be slow. God has a plan and because it comes from Him we know that it is good. And that is about all we can know for sure.

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.
For those who are evil will be destroyed,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land

                ~ Psalm 37:8-9

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