How To Explain Antisemitism?

You can’t really, because it’s completely illogical, but there are observations to be made. We’ll start with Citizen Tom’s excellent post, Destroying The Foundation, where Tom states: 

To hate Jews is to hate the people Jesus chose as His people, to be His family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen. To hate Jews is to hate the people Jesus chose to give us His Word. To hate the Jews is equivalent to being ignorant of God’s Word.

He then goes on to list reasons why people night be antisemitic having to do with envy, religious bigotry and blame shifting and states, “All these possibilities equate to hating, instead of loving, one’s neighbor. If we can use a lame excuse to hate the Jews, we can hate anyone.

I agree with this and Tom’s implication that antisemitism is tied directly to Satan and his followers, whether they realize it or not. Revelations 12 also provides a good depiction of this hatred of the Jewish nation.

One very not surprising way this is being expressed today is via the protests for Palestine that have sprouted like bad weeds throughout wealthy, liberal cities. The participants oddly, but maybe not so surprisingly, all strike a familiar pattern; a very aggrieved and decidedly non-oppressed collection of misfits screeching lunacies like from the river to the sea with impassioned, clueless certainty.

Most sport the signature face mask beneath crazy, dead eyes, paired with bright pink or blue hair, with shockingly unaware signs equating solidarity between LGBQT and Palestine sprinkled throughout. Do they really not know how gays/transgenders are treated in the Middle East? Everywhere but Israel that is? Should we tell them?

An interesting perspective on this come’s from Abigail Shrier’s column in Commentary, This is Not a Drill, where she masterly paints a disturbing picture of pure hatred and envy as the root cause of present day antisemitism, where this clown show of marching Machiavellians are not ignorant at all. Indeed they are perfectly aware of the reality on the ground in Israel and the situation of gays in Gaza. 

As Ms. Shrier states:

So don’t bother informing Gays 4 Gaza that same-sex attraction is proscribed by criminal law in Gaza, backed by a penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment, in that very territory they’re so wild about. No need to educate them about the finding by Pew Research that the Palestinian population’s opposition to homosexuality is among the highest in the world; that in 2016, Hamas responded to a senior commander’s homosexual activity with a firing squad; or that gay adoption and gay marriage are strictly forbidden in Palestinian territories.

They already know—and they really, truly don’t care.

She then goes on to explain that all of the assorted grievances groups that have come together for these protests (climate activists, Black Lives Matter, etc….) really could give a hoot about their associated cause de jour because it’s not about solving anything, but destroying the civil society they’ve been groomed to hate.

While I don’t agree these protestors are really not that ignorant (mot anyway), I do think Ms. Shrier touches on an important issue. For the past 20 years or so, people have been programmed to hate their country, to fear others who don’t look like them and who think everything wrong in their lives is due to something systemic in a society ruled by whitoppression and that it all need to be torn down. 

It’s victimhood mentality run head on in to intersectionality, which an earlier blog post of mine describes as: 

“The belief that societal oppression intersects among various tribes whose powerlessness is based on the the number of victim points they have.  A transgender, black woman under this system garners more sympathy than a white gay man who only has 1 grievance box checked to her 3. There’s no accounting for a person’s unique background and character traits and no individuality, just balkanized groups assigned different spots on the hierarchy ladder of oppression .”

It basically boils down to all injustices being interconnected and whether you are committing the injustice as the oppressor or receiving them as the oppressed, is defined by superficial traits like skin color. These views are seeded, nurtured, placated and encouraged by schools, the media, Hollywood, HR departments throughout the country and by nearly every elite institution that makes up our culture.

This is giant flame next to powder keg type propaganda and it’s destroying this country. The world really.

And guess which side of the oppressor/oppressee coin the Jews fall under? Despite repeated persecutions and near annihilation several times throughout history, Jews are somehow excluded from the oppressed class and get lumped in with the white oppressor group.

Why, you ask? All the more easy then to link Palestinian plight to “the struggles of students of color, student survivors of sexual assault, and all others who on campus fight against oppression, whether imperialism, racism, patriarchy, police violence, or other systemic inequities” as this interesting article states.

In my book, this very much explains the explosion of useful idiots on college campus and the blatant antisemitism that’s making Jewish students feel unsafe.

Antisemitism is both simple and complicated and I don’t think we will ever fully understand it on this side of the grave. I can tell you though that how Jews are treated in the world is a microcosm on how healthy the inhabitants of this planet are. Right now I’d say things are decidedly unhealthy and that the Jews unfortunately are the canary in the coal mine for what’s in store. A very rocky future I’m afraid.

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36 Responses to How To Explain Antisemitism?

  1. Howdy my friend. Great insight.

    This is it: “Right now I’d say things are decidedly unhealthy and that the Jews unfortunately are the canary in the coal mine for what’s in store for a very rocky future.”

    Christians, in western civilization are already under attack. Coming soon to a theatre near you.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. G.W. says:

    Boils down to one equation: Hate God= hate everything He stands for. Some will repent when they are awakened. Many won’t. Yes, a very rocky future, indeed.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Well said, Tricia. Let’s go back to paid apprenticeships for most skilled jobs.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Citizen Tom says:

    Excellent survey of articles. Thank you for the link.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      You’re welcome CT. Thank you for the initial post. I see it generated some interesting comments.

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      • Citizen Tom says:

        As IB observed this is now a heated subject. I am old enough to remember when the entire nation thought antisemitism so abhorrent that the topic garnered few debates. There was sympathy for the so-called Palestinians, and most people were just baffled by their refusal to accept a two-state solution. No one would have defended what Hamas did. Spouting slogans like the one that include that phrase, from the river to the sea, would have resulted instant societal isolation.

        Over the years, however, there has been a change. I blame it mostly upon the fact we have allowed politicians to run our schools. We have to pick politicians to run our military, build or regulate the construction of public infrastructure, capture criminals, and so forth; but letting politician teach us how and what to think is just dumb. Why do we trust people nobody trusts with our children?

        Liked by 2 people

        • Tricia says:

          There is a lot of truth to that Tom. Our education system is just trash. the question is whether it’s purposely that way or just incompetence layered upon incompetence. the fact that it really only trends to left wing indoctrination makes me think purposeful.

          Liked by 2 people

        • From what I observe, it seems that Islamic theology (as practiced in various degrees of devoutness by its followers) is, AT BEST, neutral towards Judaism — and at worst truly Satanic. A few modernized, Westernized, democratized Muslims (Zuhdi Jasser, M.D. for example) have been saying since 9/11 that violent radical Islam can only be eradicated by the efforts of Muslims themselves. Well, after 22 years, I see less chance of that happening than ever. I haven’t seen any prominent Muslim leaders speaking sharply against the abhorrent atrocities that Hamas & ordinary Gazans did to Israelis on Oct 7th.

          Tom & Trish, I don’t know if you’ve read about the huge amount of money streaming from the Middle Eastern ideological radical organizations into America’s elite/woke universities, promoting pro-Palestinian & pro-Islamic propaganda. One-sided false narratives are just being pumped into our universities like rancid sewage, including the universities that bestow the Education Degrees that train our K-12 teachers……so the sewage just flows right on into our youngest generations.

          The rampant antisemitic rot that has been revealed this year festering just beneath the surface of our supposedly-tolerant/diverse American society is mind-blowing. I don’t know whether to feel that we’re now WAY beyond the point of no return for Freedom & Liberty as our Founding Fathers envisioned for us, or that we’ve awakened the sleeping majority enough to start a landslide of spiritual revival and a re-yearning for Constitutional originalism. I hope it’s the latter, but this flashpoint could go either way…….

          – Jeff

          Liked by 1 person

          • Citizen Tom says:

            I listen to some Conservative news outlets. It is fairly obvious that Muslims and the Chinese Communist have figured out that many of our university leaders, our politicians, our business people, and our so-called nonprofit administrators can be bought. We have only one appropriate response. We have to remove the traitors from their positions of authority.

            Liked by 2 people

          • Tricia says:

            Hey Jeff, nice to hear from you. I’ve often thought about what’s going on in our schools, K-post grad and it’s hard not to believe the indoctrination is. very purposeful, well funded and organized. I didn’t know about the Islamic funding to them, but I’m not at all surprised.

            It’s been satisfying to see those three university presidents just get roasted this past week and they should resign, but it’s not going to change the picture much.

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  5. Brave of you to tackle such a heated subject, Tricia! I think it’s a complicated issue in the sense that some people want to honestly discuss politics, geopolitical affairs, and how involved the US should be in the region. Due to our black and white, linear culture, those people quickly get labeled antisemitic, which isn’t reasonable or fair.

    On the flip side you got the “queers for Palestine” who couldn’t find Israel on a map if they tried. Much like you’ve laid out with the links to articles, these people have been taught to hate America and Israel is seen as a representative of American oppression, imperialism, and colonialism. Absolutely, they want America to fall apart. An attack on Israel is seen as an attack on America and therefore a good thing.

    We had a pretty large “cease fire” group roll through our town and most people were really supportive like, “look, they ‘re just peace protesters.” Naturally they soon broke a bunch of windows and “free Palestine” graphitti was everywhere, along with chants of “burn it down.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • Tricia says:

      Thanks IB. It’s easy enough for me or anyone to type away at a keyboard from the comfort of home. The brave ones are out there in person, witnessing unspeakable crimes being committed and trying to do something about it.

      I do agree that equating being opposed to Israeli political policies and/or a war with Hamas is not antisemitic in itself and there are plenty of people making intelligent arguments. With others though, too many others, I’ve noticed it doesn’t take too much scratching beneath the surface to expose some really ugly antisemitic stuff.

      I bet you get plenty of those cease fire groups in your neck of the woods, I can only imagine. We haven’t had much here fortunately, outside of a very large and prestigious University of California School where Jewish students now need police protection on campus. It’s crazy and not sometimes I ever thought I’d see in my lifetime.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      On a side note, isn’t it weird that writing about antisemitism is considered controversial?

      Liked by 3 people

  6. The Night Wind says:

    I think that what causes anti-Semitism is something that our Founders warned us about: the fusion of religion and politics. Israel is allowed to get away with anything (and BTW, Israel is the most ‘gay-friendly’ country in the Middle East, not Palestine) because they hide behind the cover of a distorted version of Judaism and claim to represent all Jews. Anti-Semitism comes from conflating Israel’s multitudinous crimes with Jewish belief and policy. The Israeli Government and many of their supporters believe themselves a Master Race—that’s what’s driving anti-Semitism, just like many in our grandparents’ time blamed all Germans, Italians, and Japanese for the crimes of the Axis Regimes.

    The Israeli Government and their paid spokesmen in the US strike me as no different than groups like Black Lives Matter—both in their Left-Wing orientation and authoritarian methods. The narrative they promote is exactly the same as BLM’s: “Anything we do is excused because of ‘past injustices’ and anybody who criticizes them does so because of ‘systemic racism’ (in this case, ‘systemic anti-Semitism’).

    But when anybody suggests that Palestinian Arabs have inalienable Human Rights like everybody else, the answer is always “How can you justify Hamas?” I always ask how they can justify Israel and rarely get an answer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      I don’t agree with you at all Nightwind, but I do understand having sympathy for Palestinians who want no connection with Hamas nor do they sympathize with their cause to destroy the Jews. That’s what Hamas have alway wanted you know. Do you agree with this?

      Do you agree also that the recent past injustices toward the Jews of kidnapping their people, raping teenagers and cutting a live baby from the womb of a still living mother before killing them both are acts of severe cruelty meant to serve a specific message? If not, why not? If so, how do you expect Israel to respond?

      And what inalienable rights do you think Palestinians Arabs don’t have that you would like them to? And are you talking about legal citizens of Israel? Or those of Gaza who want Israeli voting rights? Bit of a difference there. The Palestinians voted in Hamas as their elected government in 2005 when Israel vacated the territory and handed it over to them. Why are you not complaining of Hamas oppressing the Palestinians and creating horrible living conditions for them? Why does Hamas concentrate on annihilating the Jewish state as opposed to creating their own flourishing environment where there people can live and thrive?

      You seem to be implying that antisemitism is ok because Israel is allowed to “get away with anything”, but what exactly are they getting away with? And what does being a “gay friendly” country have to do with this? What does that even mean anyway?

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Night Wind says:

        I think that, ideally, the US wouldn’t be involved in this at all. Just like neither side has any Divine Mandate to the region, our country has no Divine Mandate to be the world’s policeman—especially since our leadership can’t seem to manage our own country very well.

        The ideal situation would be if Jewish and Arab dissidents got together, overthrew their governments and agreed to establish a Constitutional Republic like we once had.

        As for Hamas atrocities, we really have only the word of the wholly unreliable Western Media that they actually happened or were sanctioned by Hamas. The same vested interests who control our Media also have a vested interest in the Israeli conquest of Gaza.

        I don’t necessarily trust Hamas: I well remember their double-dealing during the Syrian Civil War. But Israel has an atomic weapons stockpile, a vast undeveloped oil field, and a huge technological infrastructure. Should Israel succeed, that power will fall into the hands of Klaus Schwab and his merry-men and I think that they represent a greater threat to the world than Hamas does.


        • Tricia says:

          I didn’t ask whether or not the U.S. should be involved. You didn’t answer anything I asked except to say you don’t necessarily believe Hamas committed atrocities. Why do you trust your news sources on that over other reporting and what we’ve seen repeatedly with our own eyes from Hamas for almost 20 years since being given the Gaza Strip. Why can’t Hamas properly govern the land they currently have? Why have they wasted millions in aid, much of it coming directly from Israel, to build elaborate tunnels and weapons storage areas directly beneath hospitals, schools and mosques? Why do you feel Israel has to to wait until they demolish Hamas to transfer its “vast power and technology” to the WEF? Why hasn’t it already happened?

          Liked by 1 person

          • The Night Wind says:

            First, why would you believe what our Media says about Hamas? They’ve lied about nearly everything: the wars, the Scamdemic, the Vaxx, the Elections, nearly every science-fraud; they lie about foreign countries,—in short, you could count on one hand the times they’ve told us the truth. This is especially true when it comes to Israel, which has a huge Media lobby and has backed it up by declaring journalists in Gaza ‘enemy combatants.’

            As far as the Palestinian Government goes, they aren’t really all that autonomous. Israel has extensive control over their economy and freedom of movement. Recently, Israel seized the farmlands in North Gaza and planted Israelis there over Palestinian objections. The Palestinian ‘settlements’ are really nothing more than Concentration Camps like the ones the British installed for the Boers and the Zulus in South Africa.

            As for these tunnels, I don’t believe they’re true stories. Besides shooting journalists, the Israelis have been caught circulating AI-generated atrocity images. There is no purpose in human shields anyway, since the Israeli death-squads don’t consider civilians protected under international law.

            The Oil Fields mostly border the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Authority made a deal with Russia for oil exploration; Israel voided that and are already selling the contracts to WEF-connected firms.

            Going back to your first comment, in 2018, Cardinal O’Brien of the Jerusalem Diocese wrote of the Israeli Government’s new laws: “Betraying international treaties and centuries of practice, all Christian properties, except churches themselves, are being taxed tens of billions of dollars. This includes hundreds of agencies including Christian schools, hospitals, homes for the needy, health-care centers, and pilgrimage centers such as the Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem. Many church assets are being frozen, fines threatened, and hundreds of thousands of dollars seized from Christian churches in actions that will curtail freedom of worship.”

            Which, of course, our ‘conservative’ media saw fit not to talk about. Many of those Christians were deported to Gaza, along with others who refused the Loyalty Vaxx, which Israel mandated. Today, the Israeli Government sponsors homo ‘pride’ events on many of these former Christian sites. It’s no wonder that they have to paint Hamas as devils, to distract from their own crimes.


          • Tricia says:

            I certainly don’t trust anything I read at first glance, especially after all nonsense written during Covid and honestly I’m not a Netanyahu fan, especially after he enacted some of the worst covid/vax rules in the world. You have to have some way of deciphering reality though and for me it comes down to verifying things through multiple sources and what I know to be true in the past. Multiple sources that have served me well all have reported in explicit detail the horrors of Hamas’s actions and I’ve seen the videos Hamas shot themselves and uploaded and that they not only don’t deny, but brag about.

            I am no ME, expert but have followed the history of the region long enough to understand that Hamas has never wanted peace, only the destruction of the Jews and that this view is shared by a large number of Palestinians.

            Arabs in Israel have full rights, including being allowed to vote in Israeli elections. In the Palestinian Territories it’s different, but what do you do with a rogue neighbor hell bent on your destruction? Where its children are poisoned from a young age to think hating and killing Jews is righteous?There is a reason none of the other Arab countries will will accept Palestinian refugees.

            As for the oil reserves near Gaza, it’s my understanding Israel owns the rights to them and they are located within strike of misses from Gaza and were shut down for safety reasons. After the October 7 massacre wouldn’t you do the same thing? Isurely would. Nearly every oil company in the world has some connection to the WEF and so it would be difficult not to be affiliated with them somehow.

            That’s neither here nor there. It’s my belief Israel is in an existential war for its survival and must do what it needs to do to win. Victor Hanson has a great article discussing this on the Epoch Times,

            I don’t expect it to change your mind but VDH always has something interesting to offer.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Citizen Tom says:


            Would you be surprised to know that The Night Wind is not a fan of Victor David Hanson? I wonder if The Night Wind likes any genuinely Conservative commentators.


            Ben Shapiro and Victor Davis Hanson—a pair of Neocon swine of the worst sort—were spouting off in public again today encouraging further New World Order atrocities. Shapiro was especially virulent speaking before Oxford University in Britain. It was extremely painful to watch the current editor of a once-venerable Conservative news journal founded by the genteel and erudite William F. Buckley screaming such hysterical invective as “The only solution for Israel is to annex the Gaza Strip and kill those sons of bitches!” and “Hamas likes living in sewage and blowing things up!” (

            Shapiro apparently got extremely angry about Hamas’ attack on Israel. Since I have not looked into that matter, I will leave it at that. Generally, I have enjoyed listening to him, but I have not had the opportunity lately.

            Hanson I hear from time-to-time on Fox. Very reasonable. Calling either of these guys Neocon swine is just ridiculous. Makes The Night Wind come across as some kind of wild-eyed conspiracy theorist who sees vile plots masterminded by the WEF anywhere and everywhere.

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          • Tricia says:

            No, I guess I am not surprised. I’ve always enjoyed VDH, even from his early days with National Review. He’s never come across as any sort of Neocon anything, let alone swine so it’s difficult for me to take seriously anyone who believes this to be true.

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          • Citizen Tom says:

            @The Night Wind

            There is no doubt Hamas is guilty as charged. Their own words condemn them. Their own behavior condemns them.

            You don’t believe the news stories about Hamas. Yet you cite plenty of news stories on your blog. How do you know what is true? You are psychic? We are just supposed to believe you? Perhaps it makes more sense to get our news from multiple outlets and look at their sources.

            Consider your own behavior. You are good at flinging around mud, but after a little investigation little of it sticks, and the part that sticks usually has nothing to do with the issue. For example, should anyone support homo ‘pride’ events anywhere? No, but what has that got to do with eradicating every Jew from the river to the sea? We cannot justify an evil action simply by pointing to another. The mere fact that Harry robbed Sally doesn’t justify taking a pistol and shooting Jack.

            Fact is you have an agenda, but I don’t pretend to know what it is. I do know that anyone who thinks the WEF is a bigger threat — as crazy as those people are — than Russia, China, and Iran has screw loose, and I don’t think you do. So, when you spread this nonsense, I wonder what you think you are doing.

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    • artaxes says:

      “Anti-Semitism comes from conflating Israel’s multitudinous crimes with Jewish belief and policy.”

      This is absolutely ridiculous. It’s so wrong on its face that I wonder how one can write this if one is not completely ignorant of history or a complete historical illiterate.

      Jew-hatred has existed long before the state of Israel was founded.
      In fact, it goes back millenia.
      Even if you wanted to claim that antisemitism is different from the Jew-hatred that has been plaguing the Western and the Muslim world for more than thousend years, you cannot get around the fact that modern European antisemitism as manifested in Hitler’s Holocaust, in tsarist Russia or in France predates the state of Israel.

      The idea that antisemitism is caused by Israel’s “crimes” is just idiotic unless, of course, one believes that the antisemites of old had a time machine, travelled into the future as non-antisemites, saw Israel’s “crimes” and returned from the future as radicalized antisemites which, frankly, is not only idiotic but batshit crazy.

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  7. socrates1234 says:

    What if they are not semitic? (Meaning descendents of shem)

    Hamas is funded by the CIA and mossaud. Netanyahoo stated a few years ago doing so is part of their strategy.

    The first casualty of war is truth!


  8. The American and global Marxists have done a stupendous job of packaging totalitarian tyranny, economic and cultural decline, and rank racism as the Second Coming.

    A populous that “knows not what beauty is,” is easily bamboozled by persuasive rhetoric to the point of mass violence driven by engrained stupidity.

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  9. socrates1234 says:

    It should be more than evident at this point with the scamdemic that our government is controlled by malevolent forces. Both parties are just doing a pedowood production of nonsense.

    Your literal clinically insane lefties action are personified by queers for Palestine who would be thrown off roofs there which would at least stop them from molesting children. The satanic LGBT child mutilating transgender agenda must stop as it is a result of pride which is pure BIGOTRY, not liberal in the least.

    Both con man Trump and vegetable Biden are surrounded by what tribe who runs the fake news propaganda media? Vegetable Biden is proof positive Presidents are selected, not elected. Their is no diversity there I assure you.

    I don’t let KKK slavery lefties regurgitate their programming in my presence for a reason. Rightys need to work on their confusion and exit the false left vs. Right paradigm.

    You are being ruled, not governed.


  10. artaxes says:

    In my recent posts I have demonstrated the irrationality of antisemitism/Jew-hatred and I have addressed the psychological roots that in my opinion characterized Jew-hatred through the ages.

    However, as you have correctly remarked, one cannot fully explain evil rationally because evil is irrational.
    There is truly something demonic about antisemitism.
    I see the same blindness I saw during the the pandemic in the blind hatred of Jews.

    The reason why Jew-haters come across as stupid idiots is that they try to rationalize their irrational hatred of Jews by concocting logically incoherent, inconsistent and conflicting explanations based on made-up history, demonstrably false assumptions pure speculation and blatant lies.

    The woke narrative of the oppressor vs. the oppressed provides a convenient “justification” for existing antisemitism which was socially ostracized after the monstrous crime of the holocaust.
    It also turns young innocent kids into rabid Jew-haters.

    Still, I find the total absence of empathy for the death of innocent babies and whole families amongst students who applaud Hamas and justify their actions shocking.

    Indeed, this does not bode well for the future and it doesn’t end with the Jews.
    The idea that genocide is ok when the victims are “evil oppressors” can be applied to any group, including you or your neighbor.
    That’s why we have to end the woke indoctrination however we can.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      I find the absence of empathy shocking as well artaxes. They usually mumble something about never have happened, or that Israel lied about the chopping of heads off. It’s not a winning argument to say, “the babies may have been murdered by they were not decapitated….”.

      Liked by 1 person

      • artaxes says:

        Yes, just because ONE report of decapitated babies turned out to be untrue doesn’t make all the other reports untrue.

        You are right, of course. Not a winning argument.

        Burning babies alive, baking them in ovens or rippeng them out of the womb is even more shocking, barbaric, inhuman, gruesome and pure demonic evil.

        Liked by 1 person

Respectful comments always welcome.