Do The Opposite of What They Say

Do you remember the Seinfeld episode when George decides to do the opposite of whatever his first instinct is? He’s so sick of being a loser, he goes all out with this and thus the greatest pick up line of all time was born.

My name is George, I’m unemployed and live with my parents….”

It was a funny show for an innocent time where people of all beliefs could belly laugh together and agree on commonly accepted things, like oh, that our government has our best interest at heart.

I’ve always been skeptical about the so called good governments can do, because its main purpose should be on protecting our ability to pursue our own good interests, not in providing them.

These past few years have really change my outlook though and I’m firmly convinced that for the good of the people is at best an unintended consequence of whatever cockanamie schemes dim politicians dream up and that in fact our well being is but an after thought for government bureaucrats, whose entire purpose is to grow larger, wealthier and more powerful.

Case in point, last Sunday, Southern California was supposed to get slammed by an unprecedented hurricane coming up from Mexico. At least that’s what the media and local government officials were breathlessly telling us. Our ridiculous governor immediately called a State of Emergency before any raindrops fell and the even more ridiculous San Diego Mayor posted THIS on his Twitter page:

Leaving aside my post traumatic Covid PsychOps hangover, I was still in shock that those exact words were used. This horrible phrase caused so much emotional turmoil and damage to society it should never be repeated again, let alone by someone in leadership. Yet there it was and right then I knew I would NOT be staying home, NOR playing it safe and would go about my weekend as normal.

Of course the hurricane did what they always do when hitting the cool waters of the Pacific and downgraded itself to not even a tropical storm, but a decent rainstorm with some high winds at times. Nothing close to a stay home/stay safe event.

Many people freaked out though and started panic buying toilet paper, while lots of businesses closed down for the day. My mom’s senior living complex actually went in to what they called a temporary LOCKDOWN! For everyone’s safety of course.

Being prepared is one thing and giving people accurate information so they can do what they feel is necessary is good. This instant State of Emergency position and breathless fear mongering however is not healthy and I’m afraid has become the default position for incompetent politicians scouring for federal funds and who want to play act being heroes.

Meanwhile, when something really dangerous happens like the horrible Maui fires, grossly incompetent politicians, along with their green energy nonsense turned an already bad situation in to a catastrophic nightmare, causing hundreds of deaths.

The Maui Emergency Management Administrator chose not to sound the alarm that is supposed to go off for, well, you know emergencies, allowing the fast moving fires to catch thousands of people off guard, many of which inevitably perished.

Just as bad, the local official in charge of water resources, delayed requests by firefighters to release water to fill the reservoirs until after the fire had ravaged the island. This person was apparently concerned with what environmental impact the waters would have on farmland and wanted consultations with local farmers before any action was taken. Oh, ok.

On top of that, residents trying to flee to safety were turned around by officials who had barricaded the roads to clear up downed power lines. Those that knew better did the opposite of what they were told and drove to safety, while those that obeyed were trapped and perished.

Meanwhile Hawaii Governor Josh Green is already blaming his governments utterly atrocious fire response on climate change and shaming his own citizens for going outside the main stream media for accurate information.

Appalling is the only printable word that comes to mind.

Remember, do not expect the government to have your best interest at heart, in many ways their goals run diametrically opposed to your well being.

Side note: George Carlin was a very funny man, but also well known for his mistrust of the government. In fact his quotes from 30 years ago on body autonomy and personal agency seem downright prophetic today.

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17 Responses to Do The Opposite of What They Say

  1. socrates1234 says:

    Government which means to controlled the mind always uses the hegelian dialectic to control the people which causes people to do the wrong thing. This has been used all of our life to decieve us.

    It is problem (make something up like virus can live outside the body which is a complete LIE. Reaction which is the fear porn fake news media perpetuating the LIE. Solution is to get the masses to inject themselves with poison which is their intended goal.

    Just like how slave masks do not prevent a thing while stating as much on the boxes they come in, the masses ignore these simple blatant FACTS. They do cause oxygen deprivation making people sick however which is the goal.

    The hallmark of the Brave New World is simple FACTS being ignored.

    “Nobody is more hated who speaks the truth.” Plato

    I maybe hated but that will not stop me from speaking truth. I HATE liars!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Well said, Tricia. We’ve also been living in a state of emergency for decades now in this state. Every darn thing is a calamity and they want us to panic and remain in a state of perpetual anxiety. It no longer “rains,” we now experience “warning, potential flooding!”

    I can also verify it is often best to do the precise opposite of what they advise. Know your environment, know your geography, and use your own critical thinking. Locals tend to know about these things much better then any government agency.

    Maui is just a heartbreaking. I do know that for many years there has been concerns about how the environment was being handled, ridges of trees cut down which redirects the rainfall and creates deserts, land cleared for farming which was later abandoned, leaving dry grasslands. I’m sure there is plenty of government incompetence and possible evil at play too, but when we were there some 20 years ago, people were concerned about it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Tricia says:

      Thanks IB. This perpetual SOE environment really boxes in society and prevents human thriving and I really worry about the corrosive effects it has on to human agency. So many people are in a dazed and confused state of mind, just waiting for the government to tell them how to feel and act. It’s no bueno.

      The Maui situation is just so awful! That area holds a special place in my heart and I do agree with you about the environmental damage from past years having contributed to today’s disaster. Heaping amounts of government incompetence of course was like adding gasoline to the flames. The Maui people deserve so much better.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Citizen Tom says:

      I wonder to what extent the grasslands contribute to an erosion problem. Last thing you need on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. artaxes says:

    “If men were angels, no government would be necessary”
    – James Madison

    Well, since government is necessary, it cannot consist of angels.
    Since it cannot consist of angels, it cannot be trusted.
    Since it cannot be trusted, nothing that comes from the goverment can be taken at face value.
    It is perfectly reasonable and good practice to treat every goverment statement as lie until proven otherwise.

    Liked by 4 people

    • socrates1234 says:

      Tricia is very right to say do the opposite of what they say. When you realize all Presidents are merely puppets to serve the bankers behind the scenes who print money out of thin air, all their LIES are blatant!

      The truth LIES outside of the false left vs. right paradigm puppet show of nonsense. We are not being governed, we are being ruled by subversive LYING tyrants!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Indeed Artaxes, so true.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It boggles my mind that anyone with two brain cells to rub together believes anything the government says, let alone believes government has our best interests at heart. It’s all about control.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Citizen Tom says:

    Here is a funny thought. The people most likely to think the mass of the human race is dumb (when they don’t agree with them) are the same people who want a more powerful government run by people chosen by those dumb masses of people. Strangely, the mass of people becomes much more highly intelligent when it agrees with its betters.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Tricia says:

    I was wondering what it was. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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