Alcohol, Sexual Assault and the Death of Common Sense

After Party

It’s not unreasonable to say that loading up on alcohol to the point where personal motor skills are lost will probably lead to poor choices being made. It’s also not absurd to acknowledge that excessive drinking often leads to sexual assault and that a good way to avoid being a victim of it is to not drink so much you can’t feel your face.

Not long ago, say oh, 5 years, the above statements would cause most to nod their heads in agreement and wonder why you are stating the obvious. Today however, speaking such sentiments gets you accused of victim shaming.

A perfect example of this new culture of stupefaction is the recent kerfuffle over Stanford University having the gall to mention on in its website the role alcohol plays in sexual assault.

In a now deleted page called “Female Bodies and Alcohol”, the biological differences between sexes were discussed along with the well known fact that women feel the effects of alcohol much more strongly and quicker than men, risking impaired moral judgment and decision making capabilities.

In another words because alcohol will get a woman drunk and stupid quicker than it will a man, the prudent thing to do would be for women to limit their intake if they wish to avoid being sexually assaulted.

The page also stated that…

“Research tells us that women who are seen drinking alcohol are perceived to be more sexually available than they may actually be.”

“That alcohol makes it easier for some to meet and talk to new people is seen as a positive by most people who drink alcohol. The down side is that, by some accounts, alcohol is involved in as many as 75% of sexual assaults on a college campus.” 

 “For some, being drunk serves as a justification for behavior that is demeaning or insulting, including the use of others as sexual objects.”

Cue the angry feminists with pitchforks. After a social media outcry and criticism from the usual suspects at the Huffington Post and ThinkProgress, Stanford issued the by now obligatory apology, saying,

We would like to apologize for an outdated and insensitive article on women and alcohol that was here.  The content of the article did not reflect the values of our office.  We are sorry for the harm that the article may have caused people who read it.”

Excuse me but if telling the truth about alcohol and how it contributes to sexual assault does not “reflect your values”, than what the heck does?

Yes, of course it’s wrong for a man to have sex with a woman who is incapacitated, but that doesn’t mean pointing out how to help prevent this from happening in the first place is somehow singling out women as the villains.

Shocker here I know, but a lot of drunken partying occurs on college campuses, resulting in many regrettable hookups and even outright sexual assault and rape. The original Stanford post tried to address this with common sense talk of the type any responsible parent would have with their daughters.

In today’s Bizzarro World of hypersexual politics though, speaking hard truths about the nature of men and women somehow means you are blaming the victim and relieving men of any responsibility to behave themselves.

This type of thinking is madness and puts impressionable women at risk. If they are encouraged to believe they can drink themselves in to oblivion without thinking this leaves them vulnerable to sexual predators, than more assaults will occur and the phony “1 and 5 college women are raped myth may actually become real.

We live in very strange times, where narratives that fit an agenda are pushed as reality and gaping holes of illogic are filled with magical thinking.  I worry about my nieces and how this type of nonsense will affect their judgment as they enter young adulthood.

Women their age are continually bombarded with the message that the right to do anything with anyone at any time somehow means empowerment. This is not only dangerous, but also enfeebling, as it assumes women are incapable of controlling their bodies and making sound decisions.

Girls and young women need to be taught about the world as it exists, not a pretend one where actions have no consequences. I can promise you no knight in shiny social justice warrior armor will be riding to the rescue of someone caught in a bad situation and empty platitudes about “patriarchal models of societal masculinity” will offer cold comfort.

A responsible and clear thinking woman practicing good judgment empowers herself and repels predators. It’s time get back to teaching these basics with no apologies to the magical thinking crowd trying to bully reality out of the picture.

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32 Responses to Alcohol, Sexual Assault and the Death of Common Sense

  1. Wally Fry says:

    Well said Tricia…but oh boy are you in trouble now.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Al says:

    One can only hope that the pendulum will someday swing back toward common sense and reality. If Trump is elected, he’ll surely give it a good push.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      We can only hope Al but I wouldn’t leave it up to politicians. This type of delusionary thinking runs deep on the far Left and is pushed hard by the MSM, schools, the general culture, etc…and a form of brainwashing takes effect on otherwise good kids with smart parents.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your post clearly shows we stand in the road at a juncture without knowing which road to take. In simple truth no one path holds the answers. We live in a dynamic changing world where responsible behavior MUST be accepted by everyone. Irresponsible behavior by either gender produces undesirable life altering results. Whether it’s promiscuity, rape or murder the irresponsible behavior is merely “degree.” I suggest NOT testing the waters because we never know the “degree” until it happens in real time.

    We are creatures of curiosity and need to learn through experience. We are also creatures of principles, morals and ethics. As adults, we owe it to our children to instill these traits to create strong foundations to build on. I question whether this responsibility has wavered over time presenting us with the current dilemma we face.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      I question it too Jonathan. I believe there are many strong families out there with parents doing their best to instill good values, but I think many have underestimated and/or are unaware the type of world their young adult kids are living in and the nonsense/brainwashing they are being taught about gender issues. Unknown territory indeed!

      As always,thanks for coming by.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dennis says:

    “Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker”!
    Nuff said.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Salvageable says:

    Thank you for traveling the increasingly abandoned world of personal responsibility, common sense, and clear language. I’m dreadfully sorry to read Stanford’s apology–what a ridiculous reversal of a helpful and necessary warning. J.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I have become increasingly aware of the fact that things one says in all innocence can be upended and seen as insensitive and hurtful. And victim-blaming IS a real thing, as are racism, sexism, and all the other isms. But oh, I do so wish that even as we demand that people take responsibility for NOT behaving badly (eg not raping people), we can offer simple, common-sense advice to people about how to protect themselves from assholes! I have no patience with the “She was asking for it” mindset … but ladies, seriously, is it actually necessary to get falling-down drunk? If you’re looking for help loosening up in a threatening social situation, fine … but you don’t need to empty the bottle! I don’t think women who are assaulted while drunk are in any way to blame for their rape … but I do think they’re stupid.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Oh I agree BT that the woman can’t and should not be blamed, even if she were passed out cold, dressed provocatively, etc…there is no condoning a man who takes advantage of a woman in that state, or even vice versa.

      The thing is nobody has and the Stanford statement I wrote about didn’t either, but people freak out when it comes to suggesting woman take personal responsibility in these matters. If I had daughters I would expect nothing less of them which I think most parents are on board with. It’s the heavy influencers in the mainstream culture that think differently and parents should be very weary and aware of.

      Thanks for your always insightful comment. No need to empty the bottle indeed!

      Liked by 1 person

      • There is nothing inconsistent or contradictory in saying that rape is ALWAYS and ENTIRELY the fault of the rapist, while also maintaining that there are things women can do (or avoid doing) that will make them less likely to become victims. The way the victim was dressed, the way she looked, the way she acted, the way she spoke, the amount of alcohol she consumed, and so on are not the cause of the rape, and do not in any way excuse the one who committed the rape or mitigate the severity of the crime. But if a woman can minimize the chances of her becoming a victim in the first place by being smart about her clothing and appearance and behavior and so on, why would she not do it? It’s no different from locking the doors on your house or apartment, taking the keys out of the ignition when you get out of your car, or keeping your money in the bank instead of leaving wads of cash lying around. It’s called common sense, which is something that feminists apparently find abhorrent and unthinkable. Yet one more reason I have no use for feminism.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Citizen Tom says:


    Excellent post!

    It amazes me is what Liberal Democrats will say and still keep a straight face. They don’t know the difference between blaming the victim and telling someone how to avoid being a victim?

    What is the problem here? I think some people truly revel in frightening other people. In our day and age, there is no surer way to frighten an ambitious white male than by labeling him as a bigot. However, there is another possible motive that may be stronger. Men do not like to be told what they are doing is wrong, and neither do women. Therefore, we should not be surprised if some women who overindulge in alcohol want to silence their critics.

    Drunkenness is a common problem at any university. It seem many people, especially young people, find some sort of pleasure, release, or relief in getting stoned out of their minds. Yet when a young woman does that, she is obviously risking a sexual encounter she would not want if sober. Nature is what it is, and there is no getting around it.

    On the other hand, a drunken young man may hurt himself or someone else, but his chances of being raped by a relatively sober female are small, at least in the America that was. In fact, even in this this day and age, if a woman wants to rape a drunken man she will have a problem if she gets him too drunk. Alcohol reduces male potency.

    Anyway, getting drunk not a good perquisite for any man who wants to have sex. What works for cads is getting the gal drunk.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      You’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head Tom with your detailed comment and yes, nature will certainly take it’s course when it comes to men, women, sex and alcohol.

      Heavy partying and hookups have always been a part of college life but I think we are seeing something different and more disturbing now with the prevalence of some modern feminist groups who see demonizing men as a method for women to gain power. The insistence as well on some invisible male patriarchy that is somehow holding women back does not help as this prevents women from seeing just how much impact their own actions have on their lives and again takes away their duty to themselves to act responsibly. It’s a very perverted way of viewing life in my opinion and ends up being harmful to women, particularly if it puts them in danger of being assaulted. The far left doesn’t care in my option as advancing a narrative and garrning votes takes precedence.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Citizen Tom says:


    I have two daughters. Both smart and capable. Both wanted children. My wife taught each how to choose a good husband. So I am counting my grandchildren and praying for their future.

    The desire for children is I think more innate in women. I love my girls, but it had little to do with why I married. That love for my children came after they were born, and I had the privilege of helping to raise them.

    I married because I love my lady, and I saw marriage as honorable. What should be important for women is that men behave honorably. Most men are capable of such behavior, but that is not what our Post Christian culture demands from men. So women who want children find themselves frustrated and hating men. Nothing about that should surprise us.

    When women demonize men and degrade fatherhood, they do themselves and men great harm. Because men and women need each other, we have power over each other. Is the power of males more visible? Has it been subject to greater abuse? Yes and yes, but Christianity changed that. Christianity made it respectable for a man to love his wife as much as he loves himself. Christianity said God values men and women equally, even though we are obviously different.

    In fact, every human being is unique, and God loves us all. Our problem is to see the value of each person we meet to God, not to look in a mirror and complain. “Why didn’t you make me my way?”

    Should anyone complain that God did not make him properly? No. We are each part of our Creator’s plan. He is not part of our plan, and that is fortunate. Can you imagine if one of us had created the universe?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Well said, Tricia. You ever wonder about the double standard? I mean, her being drunk out of her mind, renders her incompetent, unable to consent, but he is now hyper responsible, now responsible for his own sexual behavior as well as hers. In truth, under the influence of enough alcohol, he is also rendered incompetent.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      Thank you IB. That’s a good point you bring up about the double standard of men having to be responsible for both parties. It’s certainly not an empowering message for women yet, we constantly hear it from many supposedly pro women groups.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. madblog says:

    It becomes clearer as we read more of this sort of stuff that SJWs, leftist activists, cannot READ.
    They do not take the trouble to read statements like these and process the information. The statement is not processed for substance or meaning.
    They appear instead to pass statements through a buzzword filter and condemn automatically if the right words are there. The sound-byte offensive meaning is then substituted. They are proactive in their search for offense and no longer troubled by critical thinking.

    The statement above doesn’t blame the victims, and it doesn’t relieve men of responsibility. But those thoughts are substituted for what IS there and outrage ensues.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      You know, that is so true what you say about the buzzword filter. It doesn’t matter at all what the statement actually means, only that it has specific words in it that trigger the SJW’s outrage button.

      What disturbs me the most is that with social media and the 24/7 news cycle, a false narrative can easily become reality because there are so many partaking the lies via FB, Twitter, blogs ,etc….When that false reality in fact harms those it claims to help (as it nearly always does), we have a problem.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. In Plato’s “Republic,” one young man questioned an elder about the advantages of being old.

    Not being driven crazy by sexual urges was one of his answers.

    Young women need to be instructed by someone, anyone, on just how powerful and NATURAL is a young man’s virility.

    Feminism is really the mastery of the destruction of femininity and the wanton torture of masculinity.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      I’ve never read that book Silence but keep meaning to so thanks for sharing the great quote from it.

      Men definitely have a primitive and natural desire to have sex that’s mostly physical. Women do too, but it stems from the emotional and needy side. Combine that with a heavy dose of booze and/or drugs, set it against a college scene of young and hormonally pumped people and you have a recipe for some not so good things to happen.


  12. Do you realise how contradictory your post and your commenters’ are? It’s not a woman’s fault if she’s raped, men shouldn’t rape women, but women shouldn’t drink or dress inappropriately? Really? There is only one person to blame for rape and anything else is indeed victim shaming. And shame on anyone who says otherwise.


Respectful comments always welcome.