Do You Feel Free?

I’m feeling incredibly grateful today and full of thanksgiving for my individual freedom of self agency, granted not by any government official, but by God Himself. No matter what chaos may be going on around me and in our world, I have the freedom to choose the thoughts I want to dwell on, the words I want to speak/write and the actions I take in accordance with the principles I choose to live my life by.

The phrase “fear not” or “do not be afraid” appears in the Bible 365 times because God wants us to discover the wonderfulness of stepping outside the bubble of fear so many of us live in and in to trusting Him for provision.

Fear of what? We all have our own personal list, but the common ones for me are:

Fear of what others think.

Fear of dying.

Fear of being vulnerable.

Fear of being hurt.

Fear of being different.

Fear of change.

I don’t always succeed in overcoming my these fears, trust me when I say I’ve dealt with anxiety about them my entire life. I can tell you though that the stronger my relationship with God has gotten, the more at peace I am with life, people and circumstances.

The more we as a people can understand and appreciate our individual freedom, the better we are able to identify and repel the evilness of the state trying to embed itself in to every aspect of our lives and take away our humanity in the process. Our country was founded on principles of individual freedom and self government and it’s our duty to understand how our own actions or inactions go towards strengthening or weakening that foundation.

So on this day of Thanksgiving, choose freedom over fear and boldly live out your purpose as the beautiful individual you were created to be.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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9 Responses to Do You Feel Free?

  1. Tricia, so thankful for you and your stand for freedom. Indeed, fear is the great enemy of freedom.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen, Tricia! Well said. He came to set the captives free and that includes setting us free from our fears. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. artaxes says:

    Beautifully stated. I’m thankful that God gave us the spiritual and intellectual weapons to fiight for our own freedom and that of our fellow man. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy belated Thanksgiving Tricia— yep Fear Not!!! I am grateful for you and your friendship!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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