They Won’t Stop Until We tell Them To

In light of the CDC’s absolute face plant yesterday in announcing new guidelines for vaccinated folks to mask up and blue state governors threatening Coronavirus restrictions redux over the delta scariant, I thought I’d reblog this post from January. The Brostradamus in the video below was sadly spot on. Do you get it yet?

“The mask is about compliance, next they’re gonna tell you, you have to contact trace, then they’re gonna tell you, you have to take the vaccine and guess what kids, once you take your vaccine, they’re gonna tell you sorry the vaccine isn’t as effective as we thought it was gonna be so now you’re still gonna have to wear your mask, still gotta get contact traced, still have all the restrictions and social distancing and still take the vaccine.  And what did you get out of all of this

I don’t know who this guy is, but he completely nails it in this video clip from last spring on the charade of coronavirus restrictions, the destruction of small businesses and turning life as we know it upside down.

While he infers that the end game here is a master/slave society where us compliant little sheep are ruled by elite technocrats, I just can’t give our current crop of hapless pro lockdown politicians that much credit, at least here in the U.S.  They are just too dumb to be such masterminds of evil.

Don’t get me wrong, many are without a doubt exploiting the pandemic for their own benefit, but I think most of really have no clue what to do as far as combating it so they enact endless and senseless dictates that give the illusion of doing something and then run around with their hair on fire when this has 0 effect, blaming and shaming their citizens for behaving like human beings and doing bizarre things like spending time with other people.

Take pro lockdown Governor extraordinaire, Gavin Newsom, of California where I live.  We have been in some sort of hard shut down since last march, with even outdoor dining banned in most counties and schools, gyms, nail & hair salons still shut down.  Mask mandates too have been in place for several months and yet despite all this California has some of the worst Covid #’s in the country.

Here’s a little secret that’s not so secret really because deep down everyone knows this.

“They’re isn’t much that can be done to stop the spread of a highly communicable, airborne, respiratory virus.”

Oh you may slow things down a little, maybe, but in the end the virus is gonna do what viruses do, which is infect as many people as possible until herd immunity kicks in, either naturally or in combination with a vaccine. There is nothing a governor, mayor, city council person or even president can do to protect you other than provide truthful stats on transmission methods, death rates and demographics of who it affects most seriously so you can decide on the proper precautions best for yourself and family.

In fact, I would argue the more the government tries to help you, the worse things get and nowhere is this more apparent than with the never ending ill conceived lockdowns and forced distancing policies.

While it’s questionable whether lockdowns have done any sort of good at all towards squelching the virus, we do know the devastating consequences they have brought. Sky rocketing poverty, mental health woes in children, major suicide and addiction issues, and increased in non-Covid related mortality rates to list just a few.

The worst in my view is the societal effects from the constant fear mongering and shaming.  It’s a form of psychological abuse really and has  always been part of politics, but many politicians have taken it to an art form during the pandemic. Combine this with mandated work closures, forced isolation of others, restricted gatherings and the breakdown of interpersonal communications through anti-science mask mandates and this will break society.  In many cases it already has.

As I’ve said in previous posts,“I believe the extended coronavirus lockdowns to be the single biggest public policy mistake made in our lifetime, if not ever, whose negative effects will be with us for years to come and in many ways we haven’t yet realized.”

We have a severe crisis of courage within our political class in that instead of telling us the truth about this virus and leading the way in fearlessly facing it, they cower and hide behind nonsensical mandates and shutdowns, pretending that this will somehow eradicate it.

What will people do when they realize it’s all been for nothing? I was hoping by now that more would have caught on and be willing to just ignore the mandates and get on with life.  Many of us in California are doing just that to the extent we can, but so many others here are crippled by fear, clinging to the restrictions like a life preserver and angrily lashing out at anyone pointing out their gaping holes of logic.

Maybe folks will finally come around after the vaccines are administered and cases still rise and politicians double down on restrictions.  More likely that will usher a mass descent in to madness and chaos as the public realizes the shiny coin of vaccine that was supposed to open the door to normalcy is not the panacea it’s being made out to be.

Look, the virus is a nasty bug, no question but it affects mainly very old and/or very frail people most seriously. For most of us we are looking at mild to moderate symptoms (if any at all) with an overall estimated survival rate is 99.5 percent, according to the CDC,  Yes, there are always outlier cases which are tragic, but this is true of the flu too and the numbers just don’t justify a complete re-ordering of society

The fact of the matter is many of us will get the virus and most will end up just fine.  The best we can do is keep things as normal as possible while directing resources and brainpower towards protecting the vulnerable.   As Donald Henderson, the man credited with eradicating smallpox once said,

“Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of community is least disrupted.”

We must learn to do normal life along with the coronavirus, there is just no other way.  We will get there eventually either with or without a crushed economy and broken society.  I choose the latter.

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70 Responses to They Won’t Stop Until We tell Them To

  1. Aldous Huxley says:

    If you don’t know what Agenda 21 is, please read this from someone other than myself. The scamdemic is part of the Rockefeller plan using the Hegelian Dialectic. Same as the false flag controlled demolition of 911 to get society to go along with their evil.

    Lefties are programmed bots as they are not alive and are designed to do what their masters say. They have no free will and this is what the universities are programming the children for to be good programmed slaves.

    Liberalism is completely brainwashing producing your Racist Sexist HATEFUL intolerant BIGOTED slaves. All a Democrat can do is regurgitate the completely inverted propaganda of the main stream media.

    The FBI is looking for terrorists this week as they say, but those terrorist will actually be the FBI but they will blame it on the tooth fairy or a white supremacist, whichever fictitious character comes to mind.

    I don’t live in Plato’s Cave!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue Cass says:

    Halleluiah you absolutely nailed it! Exactly what I have been trying to get through to all the sheeple (especially my Calif relatives) and they are just so brainwashed they can’t see beyond their nose/mask. Thank you and I just had to reblog.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. madblog says:

    I agree with all you’ve said. But for myself, I’m playing it very safe because I already have a chronic energy deficiency and I don’t need to get sick. I do not find that masks are a civil rights issue; every little protection which doesnt u duly burden us us, I think, , reasonable.
    That said, the real scary piece is how willing your fellow private citizens are to police and shame you. Co demn you and cut you off. We are showing our readiness for sonething very bad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      Indeed we are showing our readiness for some bad events madblog, good observation.

      And don’t get me wrong, I believe the virus is very serious for some and you are doing exactly what you should be doing; taking the precautions you feel are best for your situation.

      As for masks, we’ll probably have to agree to disagree. In some very specific circumstances they make sense, but the science behind requiring them for healthy people is sketchy at best and politicians are exploiting this to again make it seem like they are doing something, Vulnerable people are different, they should be wearing them when near others, N95’s if possible.

      If you get a chance read the link to Mercola’s article on masks I put in the post.

      Nice to hear from you, hope all is well. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • madblog says:

        We don’t really disagree. I totally 100% know that the masks are exploitative, the numbers we’re fed are exploitative, the hysteria has been a manipulation. I’m angry at being used but I have also succumbed to fear. It’s crazy. I know this wss crisis not to be wasted and I was exhausted at their insistence on our panic by about the end of March,. I was able to see how engineered it was ,yet they still managed to make me afraid of getting sick.
        It’s only that, for myself, it’s not a great burden to mask, and if it gives me a little less worry, I’m willing to do it.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia says:

          All this fear mongering is stifling, isn’t it? Don’t be too hard on yourself ,as it’s hard not to get isucked n to govt induced hysteria actively induced by the msm. It’s definitely good to be aware of things though and it sounds like you know what’s what and are doing what’s best for yourself.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Salvageable says:

    I wish more of the policy-makers would listen to reasonable statements like yours, but it seems that they are caught up in panic mode (and in what the panic can do for their careers). J.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Yes, the career paths of many otherwise dumb people have opened up widely during the pandemic Salvageable! It’s sad and ironic that so many others have been thrown out of work at the same time.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Doug says:

    Define “normal” life. You mean, just open up everything… and your Trumpian half of America.. the masks-are-a-surrender-of-freedoms side of the fence folks.. are going to support the entire recovering economy by going to restaurants, bars, gyms, and tattoo parlors.. while those of us, the remaining 50% of America, are staying away and wearing masks, and placing hope in the vaccine? Not sure I understand the economics there.
    What happens to the inundated health care system.. crowded hospitals, over-extended medical workers? I don’t recall the “just the flu” ever reaching this level. There’s also that 4,000 Americans dying a day with no place to put them as the funeral industry is backed up. Not sure I ever recall “just the flu” reaching that level either.
    But it seems the most vulnerable to death from Covid are the minorities.. in L.A. it’s the cramped family living conditions of minorities, in urban areas around the country it’s the non-availability of pharmacies and medical services in economically difficult minority residential areas. Yep.. aging folks who usually have contributing maladies tend to suffer more and die.
    And you’re a white person making the decision to just shrug all that off.. and you don’t want to be accused of being a Trumpian racist by friends and family?
    The reality.. white folks of all ages… kids… are dying as well.. many without existing conditions. Many are the medical workers themselves. Here’s the thing, Tricia.. I can’t imagine in my wildest that you are an overt racist nor some uncompassionate human being. Yet your fear of losing a freedom in some grand Covid conspiracy theory imagined from the left just makes little sense.

    The quote you admired from the guy at the top of your post….
    “The mask is about compliance, next they’re gonna tell you, you have to contact trace, then they’re gonna tell you, you have to take the vaccine and guess what kids, once you take your vaccine, they’re gonna tell you sorry the vaccine isn’t as effective as we thought it was gonna be so now you’re still gonna have to wear your mask, still gotta get contact traced, still have all the restrictions and social distancing and still take the vaccine. And what did you get out of all of this?”

    Two things.. how does this guy know how the vaccine may or may not perform? Second… how does a disease even relate to a larger conspiracy of Liberals wanting to take away freedoms and control of anything or anyone? He’s just repeating Trumpian-induced fear. Plain and simple.


    • He seems to be Canadian so not sure how that is Trumpian-induce fear. This has been a disaster. Tricia is right on target.

      Have a super afternoon.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Tricia says:

      Doug I have no idea why you’re bringing up white privilege and Trump. As to the rest of your comment, I’ve responded to all of this before ad nauseam. My thoughts align exactly with those behind the Great Barrington Declaration. Read up on them and you’ll understand better my thoughts process on this better.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Peter Harris says:

        Read up…

        5 failings of the Great Barrington Declaration’s dangerous plan for COVID-19 natural herd immunity.


        • Tricia says:

          Thanks for the article Peter. I’ve read it before as some people think it’s a great gotchya comeback to the GBD. It’ a good read and offers some intelligent points but I don’t agree with its overall premises.

          Look, herd immunity isn’t a strategy, it’s a hard fact of viral life and if you don’t have a safe, effective vaccine out than natural is the only way to go. Seeing as how both Pfizer and Moderna executives have come right out and said they don’t know if the vaccine provides lasting immunity or prevents transmission to others, I’d say the verdict is out on whether we have an effective vaccine.

          And safe? Well anyone getting the jab now are the guinea pigs for the phase 4 part of the trials where long term effects get studied. There’s been several “adverse events” which they suspect is from the Polyethylene glycol (PEG) ingredient which can cause severe allergic reactions. Also, Norway has recommended older, frail people don’t get the shot due to I think 39 deaths. There are also concerns with antibody dependent enhancement which can cause a much more severe illness if you catch the very virus you took the shot to protect yourself from. This is a thing with coronaviruses and is one reason why no successful vaccine has come out before with them.

          As to the article’s points:

          1.The article presents its own false dichotomy by position the GBD is some sort of “etting her rip strategy” which it is not. The GBD actually offers a middle ground between getting life back to as normal as possible while still enacting various non pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s) where it makes sense.

          2. If attracting fringe groups means invalidates your group, there would be no movements lefton the planet. This is too silly to even contemplate.

          3. I don’t view individuals making their own decisions about how to protect themselves and families from the virus as a problem.

          4. They ignore the T and B cell immunity factor which greatly reduces % needed for herd immunity goal.

          5.Here in the US. long term care resident deaths have been greatest in states like NY, CA and NJ where their governors actively put Covid positive patients in with residents. I don’t see how that relates to the GBD.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Peter Harris says:

            You’ve generated so many misinterpretations in your reply, I don’t know where to start.
            And many of your points don’t seem to make much sense, and many if not all, seem to be convoluted conflation, amongst other problems

            Let’s start with your first point.

            “Look, herd immunity isn’t a strategy, it’s a hard fact of viral life and if you don’t have a safe, effective vaccine out than natural is the only way to go.”
            What are you talking about? Can you say that again?

            “…viral life…” huh?
            Are you talking about the lifecycle of a virus?


          • Tricia says:

            I’m sorry you get confused so easily Peter, must be a difficult thing to deal with. And I appreciate you pointing out my error as I actually meant herd immunity is a hard fact of virology, but mistakenly put viral life. I’m surprised you couldn’t make the connection, but I’m always happy to spell things out for those that need it.

            Do you also not understand the differences between natural and vaccine induced immunity or would you like me to explain?

            Liked by 1 person

      • Peter Harris says:

        I have no idea why you interpret Doug’s comments as “white privilege.”

        And you in no way come close to addressing Doug’s questions in the last paragraph of his post.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia says:

          Whoops, after re reading Doug’s essay, I mean comment, it does appear that I was mistaken. He didn’t accuse me of white privilege, but of promoting genocide of the black race by being against lockdowns. Doug and I have gone back and forth over and over again as to my views on Covid and lockdowns and he should know by now that my reasoning is not so I have the freedom to get a haircut, but because I believe they are most harmful and destructive to the very people they are meant to protect. These shutdowns have brought about the biggest transfer in wealth from poor to rich in the U.S. which unfortunately makes up a lot of black people. If anyone should be skeptical of government intervention by the way it’s them. See Tuskegee experiment and injecting blacks with syphilis.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Aldous Huxley says:

            The KKK slavery Democratic party actively promotes the genocide of Black people thru their support of murdering innocent Black Babies at the KKK Planned Parenthood clinics all the time.

            But that is a simple fact so everyone will ignore right?


          • Peter Harris says:

            Wow, that’s even worse, genocide?

            But Doug can speak for himself.
            But I do like to see you answer he’s last two questions.
            Because I would like to see you answer them too.

            “Two things.. how does this guy know how the vaccine may or may not perform? Second… how does a disease even relate to a larger conspiracy of Liberals wanting to take away freedoms and control of anything or anyone?”

            You have this proclivity to avoid answering direct questions, particularly after you’ve made some outrageous and unbelievable statements.


          • Tricia says:

            I didn’t answer the question Peter because it seems quite obvious, no? To the man in the video it doesn’t matter if the vaccine works or not and of course has no way of knowing, as none of us do. His point was the government will keep finding ways to keep shattering civil liberties until the master/class he describes is brought to fruition.

            I don’t believe any conspiracy about an Oz type character pulling strings and shuffling us all in to being slaves.

            I do believe, as history has taught us over and over again, that government rules once instilled are very difficult to claw back. As the mandates grow and extend, so does the power to officials, all growing larger and more intrusive in direct correlation to the shrinking of individual freedom. We end up at the same place as the Canuck states, but in my view this all happens more organically rather than pre planned.

            Do you have a blog Peter? I would like to review some of your writing and get a better insight in to your mindset. Over here you seem pretty limited to insults and scoffing so it would be helpful for me to see other areas of thought from you.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Peter Harris says:

            “I’m sorry you get confused so easily Peter, must be a difficult thing to deal with.”
            I will ignore the sarcasm and insults.
            Can we stick to the subject?
            Again, can you explain yourself?

            “Look, herd immunity isn’t a strategy, it’s a hard fact of viral life and if you don’t have a safe, effective vaccine out than natural is the only way to go.”

            Why isn’t herd immunity a viable strategy, with, or without a vaccine?


          • Tricia says:

            It is, I stated as such, several times now.


          • Tricia says:

            Oh I see it the issue now. I meant herd immunity is not a strategy in the way that you don’t choose to do it or not when dealing with a virus, it just happens with or without a vaccine.


          • Peter Harris says:

            “I didn’t answer the question Peter because it seems quite obvious, no?”
            Not at all… let’s see you articulate your philosophy and theories, yes?


          • Tricia says:

            Peter I don’t have time to keep pointing things out to you.

            Read my previous answer, you’ll see I answered both questions.

            Have a wonderful evening too. Or day, depending on what time it is where you are.


  6. Thanks. This guy has if correct, way in advance.

    The only pushback I have is around: “While he infers that the end game here is a master/slave society where us compliant little sheep are ruled by elite technocrats, I just can’t give our current crop of hapless pro lockdown politicians that much credit, at least here in the U.S. They are just too dumb to be such masterminds of evil.”

    I am inclined to believe they know exactly what they are doing are in fact masterminds of evil.:)


    Liked by 2 people

  7. Reblogged this on Jesus Quotes and God Thoughts and commented:
    Tricia sends us this great video. This guy has if correct, way in advance.

    The only pushback I have is around this: “While he infers that the end game here is a master/slave society where us compliant little sheep are ruled by elite technocrats, I just can’t give our current crop of hapless pro lockdown politicians that much credit, at least here in the U.S. They are just too dumb to be such masterminds of evil.”

    I am inclined to believe they know exactly what they are doing are in fact masterminds of evil. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Peter Harris says:

    To be honest, this whole article is a Masterpiece of specious nonsense.
    Disingenuous claptrap would be understatement.

    Trisha, how about applying some balance to your articles?
    For a start, look at the successful lockdowns in other places in the world, and don’t just cherry-pick articles to suit your bias narrative.
    And while on that point, you link to other dubious and bias websites, that don’t readily link to the original studies they are discussing about.

    “In fact, I would argue the more the government tries to help you, the worse things get and nowhere is this more apparent than with the never ending ill conceived lockdowns and forced distancing policies.”

    That’s your opinion… no facts in support of that comment.
    And ditto for the rest of the article.

    From my experience, and remembering Michael Moore’s Sicko, if you had a well-functioning, publicly-funded healthcare system, your country would be better off.


    • Tricia says:

      You reference Michael Moore yet question the reliability of articles I cite? LOL, that’s a good one Peter!

      And yes I realize other countries like NZ which locked down hard and fast have a great track record on Covid. They are a small island however and is not something that could be replicated he U.S. Plus their tourism industry is decimated and they are playing a risky game by counting completely on the success of the virus. What happens if it doesn’t work? How will they ever open up to foreigners?

      Taiwan and Japan has had success but I don’t believe they locked down, although past coronavirus exposure probably has greatly helped.

      Australia too had some success. Isn’t that where you are from? Aren’t cases popping back up? I guess it depends on the area. I’ve heard in Victoria the methods were rather drastic and authoritarian and not something the U.S. would ever put up with. I’d hope anyway.

      France, Spain, Italy, all had pretty hard lockdowns and all have had major surges in cases.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Peter Harris says:

        Again, I don’t know whether you’re stating your opinion, which is not based in fact, or you’re just making this stuff up as you go…

        Firstly, what’s your problem with Michael Moore?
        Specifically, his documentary movie Sicko?

        And the “island” fallacy? What about China?
        Very successful Lockdown.
        Yes, China has had a new outbreak in the last couple of days, of about 100 people or so, but prior to that, no cases for a considerable amount of time. Now compare that to other countries such as yours, Great Britain and many other countries who are having thousands, tens of thousands of new cases each day…. countries that is, who don’t have Lockdowns, or have semi, partial or pseudo lockdowns.

        The same policies and measures could not be implemented in the US, as they have done in New Zealand? How so?

        You claim that their tourist industry has been decimated, but you provide no facts or figures.
        Just off the top of my head, I would hazard a guess, that New Zealand’s tourist industry only contributes a small portion of revenue to the country’s GDP.


        • Tricia says:

          Um, China? Really? I don’t think a country that welded apartment doors shut to keep residents inside and that “disappeared critics to govt policy is really the poster child for good Covid policies. Plus it’s impossible to trust #’s coming out of them.

          As far as NZ and tourism, you’re not aware of their tourism industry hanging by a feather? They closed their borders for Pete’s sake (better yet for Peter’s sake…), you do’t think this has to had a tremendous negative impact? Luckily they do have other sectors which are starting to re bound but the jobs lost in tourism is a real bugger. Hopefully they can keep their generous wage subsidies up until they can open their borders again.

          Michale Moore lost any shred of credibility he had with Sicko. Really was just a flap hackery of lies and propaganda I’m surprised to see you reference it. His portraying Cuba’s healthcare system as this great thing was abominable. Funny, but sad too in a way.


          • Peter Harris says:

            Yes, China in some cases acted like a draconian authoritarian regime, but in the cities like Beijing and Shanghai, people respected the lockdown, and no half measures were needed.

            My country Australia has been very successful with a lockdown.
            Yes, we have a few cases now, but most are in Hotel quarantine.
            That is, people returning from overseas

            Again, your comments about New Zealand are unfounded and without merit.

            Again, can use be specific as to why you don’t agree with Michael Moore?


    • Tricia says:

      And thank you for the compliment by the way on my writing. I aim to please! Must be doing something right because you keep coming back.


      • Aldous Huxley says:

        LOL!!! I cannot like comments unfortunately but you made me laugh!!

        You are a very good writer of truth!!

        “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Orwell


    • artaxes says:

      “if you had a well-functioning, publicly-funded healthcare system, your country would be better off.”

      That’s your opinion… no facts in support of that comment.
      The brits have a publicly-funded healthcare system, the NHS.
      UK’s NHS is such a smashing success? Really?
      With regards to the Wuhan virus the UK doesn’t look good either, to put it mildly.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Peter Harris says:

    “Peter I don’t have time to keep pointing things out to you.”
    But you seem to have the time, to tie this whole subject up in knots without any facts, figures or statistical analysis.

    “Read my previous answer, you’ll see I answered both questions.”
    Not at all, not even close.
    Just like I asked you on another thread, why you thought the election was stolen from Trump.
    NO answer.

    “Have a wonderful evening too. Or day, depending on what time it is where you are.”
    Ok… if you’re interested, here and Brisbane it is 3:06 p.m. in the afternoon.


  10. Peter Harris says:

    “Oh I see it the issue now. I meant herd immunity is not a strategy in the way that you don’t choose to do it or not when dealing with a virus, it just happens with or without a vaccine.”

    Oh, so is that some sort of tacit apology?
    You were insinuating I was too stupid to understand your flip-flopping and unintelligible prolix.


    • Aldous Huxley says:

      Psychological Projection: A theory in Psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive or negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

      This is all an egotistical asshole like you does Peter and that is a FACT! You are guilty of everything you accuseth like all mental health crisis sycophant comatose Leftist TRASH!!!

      But it is a FACT and you cannot comprehend what a simple FACT is. All you can do is go off the rails and personally insult since you are intellectually incapable of even forming your own opinion.

      “FACTS do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley Brave New World


      • Peter Harris says:

        Yep, true form. You are one sick piece of trash yourself.

        Oh the hypocrisy!

        Aldous Huxley was an humanitarian at heart… I don’t know why you choose his name for your avatar.

        And this highlights another thing, Tricia’s hypocrisy.
        She thinks anybody who opposes her views are insulting, yet she allows you to post your sick and twisted insults.
        You contribute nothing to the debate.
        Your posts are nothing but implicit violence, from unhinged diatribes.


        • Aldous Huxley says:

          I appreciate a fine example of a psychological projection Peter!!

          You most certainly describe yourself well!

          Too bad you can’t comprehend the simple FACT of what a psychological projection is, and it is exactly what an egotistical person like you just did!

          Please feel free to dig your hole further!!



        • Tricia says:

          On the contrary Peter I find your crotchetiness a bit endearing, it reminds me of my grandfather. Your insults are tiring yes, but I try to give people a break. You never know what’ going on their lives.

          As to Aldous, you should see the comments of his that I don’t allow.


          • Peter Harris says:


            Again, I don’t understand your comments.

            It’s funny how you libertarians complain about insults, when there are none, yet you implicitly insult the many.

            By the way, by post with all the links is still in moderation.


          • Tricia says:

            Unfortunately Peter there’s much you don’t understand and much you won’t allow yourself to.

            And no insults from you? Have you read your own comments? This awesome example of cognitive dissonance has given me a good idea for a future post so thank you.

            And don’t forget to have a blessed day!


          • madblog says:

            Imagine using Michael Moore as an objective source of any truth.

            Liked by 1 person

  11. Well said, Tricia! I agree with everything you’ve said. In the back of my mind I’m a wee bit angry because as you have said, you can’t really stop an airborne respiratory virus. The thing is, herd immunity tends to weaken viruses while strengthening our own immune systems. It’s a remarkable system that has kept us alive for thousands of years. Nature is going to run its course either way, but our lockdowns and isolation may have in fact drawn it out longer, given it time to mutate, and made our immune systems weaker. As is typical of government, they took a small problem and made it much, much worse. So if we were using actual “science,” we would have let kids be kids, which means sharing and passing around a virus that doesn’t really harm them, and thus weakening it before it reaches our elders.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Thanks IB! And you are so correct on herd immunity too. I’m convinced he lockdown protocols are actively interfering with this process and in the long run doing damage to people’s immune systems. That’s not even considering the effects on respiratory systems due to prolonged mask wearing.

      Fear has poisoned society in to a mass hysteria that prevents rational behavior. Now the magic pony is a vaccine that will bring everything back to normal. Well, what if it doesn’t? And what effect will this have on people whose spirits have been completely crushed by the fear mongering and lockdowns already?

      Not a good road to be on.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Peter Harris says:

    Again Tricia, where are the insults you claim I’m throwing at you?
    Point out direct examples.

    Cognitive dissonance?
    Coming from you, that’s highly ironic, to say the least.

    But seriously, every time I ask you a question, you fall silent.
    I asked you about why you think Trump’s election was stolen.
    I asked you why you think Michael Moore was wrong in what he presented in his movie Sicko.

    Give me specific examples…


    • Tricia says:

      Peter if you have a blog, (which you still didn’t answer my question on), you’d know that there are some types of people you just don’t engage much with. They espouse, rather than discuss, project their own harsh behavior on others, drag things wildly off topic and always seem to have some weird chip on the shoulder on proving points and being right. I usually go back forth a bit, but when it becomes this type of personality becomes apparent I move on.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Aldous Huxley says:

        Tricia is talking about egotistical people who psychologically project who they are, who don’t listen, and deflect off the topic!

        I am trying to connect the dots here by using simple logic which egotistical people do not have!!

        Amen and Awomen!!


      • Peter Harris says:

        I don’t have a Blog, so what?

        Again, your post is so ironic.
        No chip on my shoulder, I’m perfectly balanced.

        And again, you state your opinion based on what you believe are the facts, but you provide no facts in support of your opinion… Eg; “And you are so correct on herd immunity too. I’m convinced he lockdown protocols are actively interfering with this process and in the long run doing damage to people’s immune systems.”

        Doing damage to people’s immune system???
        That just doesn’t make any sense.
        Do you have any statistical data in support of that medical opinion?

        And I am keeping on topic, because this is about healthcare, specifically about the coronavirus and “lockdowns”
        My border point is, lockdowns or no lockdowns, if America had a well-funded functional health care system, like another westernised industrial democracies, you wouldn’t have many of the problems you’re experiencing now.
        Read my links.


  13. Peter Harris says:

    @madblog… let me ask you, why don’t you believe Michael Moore, and what he presented in his movie Sicko?


  14. I am one of the 45 million who have had the virus and got over it. (Most colds I’ve had were worse.) I used to get sick a LOT, and when I was sufficiently sick of being sick, I learned all I could about maintaining a healthy immune system – something I haven’t seen addressed AT ALL by the CDC. There are so many things people could do to arm themselves, but all we get is fear-fear-FEAR, something that is devastating to the immune system. News reporters gleefully announce the daily stats of the number of new cases, but don’t tell us that many of them are asymptomatic, most are mild, and tens of millions have recovered. It’s as if they don’t want to offer any hope or optimism. Shame on them.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Sue Cass says:

      I would suggest stop watching the lying MSM. They do NOT want people well. I don’t wear a mask anywhere except the hospital or Dr. office and then only because I’m required to. God has blessed me with His protection and that’s who I trust. Blessings to you.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Tricia says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience! And I”m glad you you were ok.

      I don’t doubt at all that Covid is serious and some have had a very bad time of it and some of course have tragically died. Everyone I know personally though that has had it had your same experience or milder.

      And yes the media and opportunistic (and madly dumb) politicians keep wildly exaggerating the threat as if we are all 85 year olds with major side issues.

      And you are so right, there are many things the CDC could be telling us to do like addressing weight problems, getting lots of vitamin D and following a healthy diet. Prescription therapeutics too like Ivermectin should be freely prescribed BEFORE someone is at deaths door and needs hospitalization.

      The whole sorry episode in so whacked, I still don’t know what to make of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. con says:

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  16. Citizen Tom says:

    Well written, Tricia. Looks like you have a couple of trollish commenters, however. Kind of difficult to decide whether people have just been thoroughly brainwashed by the news media or intentionally trying to be obnoxious.

    Liked by 1 person

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