What’s It All For Anyway?

In this fabulous Medium post by A.J. Kay, the author asks, “if safety requires us to indefinitely forfeit the most valuable parts of our lives, what exactly are we trying to save?”

She then goes on to smartly point out that with a 2.8 million annual  (in America) all cause death toll, this could be the last Thanksgiving for some of our loved ones or perhaps even ourselves.  Do we really want to spend it isolated from the people we care about most because it’s not safe to gather?

Or freezing our butts off outside while keeping our masks on between bites of turkey à la Gavin Newsom and his beyond absurdly comical  coronavirus dictates that HE AND HIS HEALTH ADVISORS DON’T EVEN FOLLOW THEMSELVES?

Oh hell no.  Loneliness and isolation were were big enough problems  before COVID, I can’t imagine how much they’ve grown now that we’ve institutionalized staying home and staying safe and turned avoidance of others in to a collective virtue.

According to this article from Mercolca.com:

  • In 2018, 54% of American adults over the age of 18 reported feeling lonely. By January 2020, it was 61% and now, nine months into the pandemic, we’ve reached 66%
  • Loneliness isn’t relegated to the elderly. In the 18 to 34 age group, 75% report feeling socially isolated, compared to 61% of those over 50. Among those aged 18 to 34, 19% say they’ve gone as long as two to three months without interacting with another person.
  • 10% of 35- to 49-year-olds, 9% of 18- to 34-year-olds and 7% of those over 50 say they’ve not interacted with anyone outside their household or workplace since the pandemic began.

Going several months without interacting with other people is not healthy in any way shape or form, virus or no virus. Human beings were designed to be social and this continued, dystopian world of forced people avoidance, with face masks crippling our ability to effectively communicate with one another, has done much damage to our already fractured and lonely society.

Extended  loneliness changes the brain.  It not only hurts us emotionally, but physically too, both in terms of actual aches and pains and negative health effects like increased blood pressure, obesity and heart problems.

Blue state governors enacting new state shutdowns will only cascade those ill effects and that’s not even factoring in the severe economic hardship of forced shutdowns and sky rocketing addiction and suicide rates which all feed in to the loneliness factor.

Just what are they doing and why, oh why are we putting up with it? As I wrote in a previous post, Pro Lockdown Politicians Remain stuck in March, we know so much more now about the virus, who it effects most seriously and how to effectively treat severe cases.  And thank goodness we now know that for most people the lethality rate is extremely low

Politicians calling for more shutdowns should not get another pass on this. Their fear mongering and incessant focus on “positive cases” is an insult to our intelligence and the damage they are doing is probably beyond repair. From the same post:

“I believe the extended coronavirus lockdowns to be the single biggest public policy mistake made in our lifetime, if not ever, whose negative effects will be with us for years to come and in many ways we haven’t yet realized.”

Lockdown is a term that evolved from the prison industry and is a way of exerting control over an unruly and dangerous population.  That governors like Gavin Newsom continue to impose it on their citizens should tell us all we need to know about how they really feel about us and their intentions moving forward.

It’s not about controlling the virus, it’s about controlling us.

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73 Responses to What’s It All For Anyway?

  1. Aldous Huxley says:

    100% about people control is correct. How many people will get the vaccine with aborted fetal issue, formedyhyde, and mercury injected into them?

    The poison vaccine is the reason for all the bogus media garbage. It is all inverted where the cure is actually the poison.

    Hegelian dialectic to the Tee. Problem. Reaction. Solution..

    The virus is a hoax!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Godwin says:

      Hoax indeed it is. I am passing on Stefan Lanka’s message so that the fundamental point gets across; I encourage everyone to do the same. Namely: no pathogenic virus has ever been properly purified and isolated in the history of biology.
      There is also a longer document by David Crowe (who passed away recently, unfortunately) specifically dedicated to so-called ‘Covid-19’, especially bogus testing:

      Click to access CoronavirusPanic.pdf

      Few people seem to be aware of this, but Louis Pasteur is a proven fraudster (this has been shown definitely when his personal notes were revealed by one of his descendents), and ‘germ theory’ was promoted despite the evidence pointing at the contrary. In particular, Louis Pasteur’s experiment using meat to show the alleged asepsis of living organisms shows… the exact opposite. But he lightly explained the result away.
      On the other hand, Antoine Béchamp’s work on the microzymas, which he deemed as the real bricks of life — rather than cells, which are actually built by microzymas —, has been hidden from public discourse, although I have yet to see any clear refutation of his findings. Most notably, he showed that a bacterium is not some ‘foreign pathogenic agent’, but merely the form used by the microzymas to react to a problem and help the body healing, and not the cause of the problem.

      This means that allopathic medicine (namely, medicine that only tries fighting against the symptoms instead of going along with the healing phase) is fundamentally wrong. Both regarding bacteria (antibiotics) as well as regarding so-called ‘viruses’ (vaccination).
      I’m glad I found out all this information; we are indoctrinated to blindlessly believe theories that turn out to be unbased. This is also true for many healthcare professionals: the majority of people believe what the authorities tell them without looking into it seriously by themselves, out of naive trust and conformity, but if the people in charge spews out falsehoods, then the whole of society goes astray.

      As for the totalitarian agenda that is coming for us: Whitney Webb has written good pieces on that. Take note of operation Warp Speed; this is more than disturbing.
      Censorship and repression of independent reporting are also in store (and already happening, for example on YouTube):

      Denying the New World Order project is wishful thinking that will not stop it from happening, contrary to proactively fighting to spread the truth and build strong local physical networks made up of people of confidence. This is everyone’s responsibility.


      • Aldous Huxley says:

        100% correct. I appreciate your information.

        We have been fed all lies our whole life, as modern medicine is a business model to kill you early for profits.

        Vaccines are poison, as they always have been, as the cure is actually a disease.

        This hoax is pure Hegelian Dialectic. Problem they create out of thin air, stoke the fear on the propaganda media so nobody thinks, and inject the poison vaccine.

        The illiterate of the 21st century is not those who can read and write, but those who are unable to unlearn the lies we have been programmed with.

        As we all should know by now, CNN and all msm are the most trusted news sources of Orwells animal farm, and should be turned off for anybody who would like human influences.

        The slave mask is a mark of your compliancy as sheep, and are really a slave uniform.

        Do not obey!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Doug says:

    Ok.. I’ll bite. Controlling us to what end? Another conspiracy? You might call it “controlling” but perhaps it’s more like “compelling” us for the time it takes to get numbers down… the number that aren’t apparently important to you. But.. I do agree on the mental health aspect… but that just echoes my long standing position that we need a complete national mental health policy across whatever boards there are to go across. Had this pandemic been organized centrally we might have included on one of these tasks forces an inclusive mental health plan of action to address the expectations of people having issues with the pandemic restrictions, loss of income, family deaths, and long term effects. This isn’t just all about “one” illness.
    No one is controlling a damn thing or any person here… and that’s actually the problem.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Tricia says:

      The pandemic was not organized but the political exploitation most certainly is. It’s immoral, disgusting and completely unacceptable but yet it continues on.

      Knowing what I know about the inaccuracies of PCR testing, that a positive test rarely turns in to an actual case and that when it does most symptoms are mild to moderate can lead me to no other conclusion than to not be concerned with rising positively rates. In fact the more it happens the quicker to herd immunity we get.

      Many of us were saying last spring that continuing to shutdown the economy will only push things out to flu season with a crippled economy to boot. Well here we are, yay for us.

      Liked by 2 people

    • pavanneh says:

      Controlling the population by wearing them down emotionally and physically. Keeping people from gathering, talking, discussing issues they don’t want revealed. Tge deep state is not a conspiracy. It is real and what is so frightening is it is now operating right in front of our faces and so many are still too asleep to see it. Cloward-Priven, Saul Alinsky. Look it up. They have nearly gained full control of our government. And with Biden’s election and turn over of the Senate if they can get the cheat on in GA, which they will, our country is done and the Great Reset will begin. And what is involved in that will curdle your blood. “For the good of humanity and the world” will be their mantra as they proceed to depopulate the planet. It is not a conspiracy theory, they are signed UN agendas on record.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia says:

        Indeed pavanneh, the Great Reset is being discussed openly and boldly, no one should be surprised by this.


      • Doug says:

        You are free to believe what you wish and you certainly don’t need me to say that. Our Constitution does that. But it always amazes me that for as secret as conspiracy theories always seem to be, how many people.. and it’s always the opposition… seem to know all the secrets. If there’s all this “evidence” then present it for investigation. If you believe the entire system is corrupt and no one will “listen”… that’s on you, sir.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Aldous Huxley says:

          Unfortinately Doug the conspiracy theorist are the ones who actually believes either the media PR the government.
          It should be illegal to have actually teeth while watching such propaganda as any msm nowadays.
          I could present facts to you all day long, but your brainwashed mind would just ignore it.
          Btw, have you thought of not being so rude to pavanneh?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Doug says:

            How was I in any way rude?


          • Aldous Huxley says:

            Really? He presented very pertinent information and it is the truth.

            Instead of being polite or inquisitive by asking how he has researched, and what do you recommend to learn more, you attacked him by saying the onus is on you because you don’t believe it and do not have an open mind.

            The onus is on you to learn, debate, or have an open mind. Dismissing other individuals statements without any debate is rude.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Doug says:

            Ahh.. I see.. I was process “rude”.. I violated form. If that’s your measure of my rudeness toward him/her then I suppose it was “rude”. I simply thought at the time it wouldn’t matter slicing and dicing his/her opinion as no one would care in the long run… and just left him/her with his opinion in believing in conspiracies. I simply to not believe in them, rather, I do not believe in them as some grand secret agenda of world political domination being carried out by people of some Tri-Lateral Commission, some “star chamber”, the Illuminati, power-hungry freemasons, the Syndicate, T.H.R.U.S.H, C.H.A.O.S, extreme elements of the Mickey Mouse Club, or the people that meet in Charlie’s basement once a week for poker night…. simply because if they are so allegedly secret then how do people swear to their existence if in fact these organizations are so successful in being so secret. As is so obvious in Washington D.C… humans are unable to keep secrets in general, much less grand plan conspiracies of world conquest. If people wish to believe the pandemic is part of some master plan… or all the Liberal state governors are in league to grab power and take away our rights… again.. that’s on you. But here’s the thing… I could very well be wrong given nothing in life is 100%…. and “they” are reading my reply here and thinking how I am playing right into their hands of the non-believers they want.

            Liked by 2 people

  3. Sue Cass says:

    I totally agree with you Tricia. It’s a political move for control and the whole stinking mess has been a hoax from the very beginning. Thank you for sharing the truth even though there are those who refuse to believe or listen!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on See, there's this thing called biology… and commented:
    This was awesome! Well said, Tricia. I concur.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good stuff, Tricia! Well said.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. pavanneh says:

    Absolutely about controlling the people and stealing an election.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. sklyjd says:

    This woman is selfish, she has lived the best part of her life and is 85 years old, the spreading of Covid to younger people can cause many problems to internal organs that are still not fully known and these problems will be shortening younger peoples lives in the future. She wants something in her old age such as a cuddle and a kiss from relatives but cares very little about others who have many more years to live.

    I do understand loneliness of old people because I am one but hardship can be a lot worse than this, such as the reality of 20,000 children who die every day in agony from hunger and disease give some sobriety to the issue to realise just how lucky we are.


    • Tricia says:

      “….such as the reality of 20,000 children who die every day in agony from hunger and disease”

      Yes and continued shutdowns will increase those numbers exponentially.

      Long term Covid is the new buzzword for proponents of fear based propaganda who can no longer push the “we’re all gonna die from Covid” narrative because it’s been slayed by reality. Does it exist? Yes, but the numbers are so minuscule and statistically irrelevant.

      You’re welcome to live to avoid dying, that’s always a personal choice for anyone. Doesn’t that seem a rather empty way of being?

      Liked by 2 people

      • sklyjd says:

        These under developed countries will have thousands of starving kids die regardless of any shut downs and what you fail to understand is that the medical effects of Covid are not fully understood yet. Science does not use a “buzzword” or “propaganda” and you would realise this if you were only able to expand your knowledge beyond the anti-science conspiracy media networks you are obviously devoted to.

        I get that you do not care about yourself or the human cost as you claim the numbers are “minuscule and statistically irrelevant.” The point you appear to make is that we humans die from many diseases so why not just settle for another way to die or damage your organs and cut your life shorter.

        Deaths should not be considered irrelevant regardless of how minuscule you believe the numbers are. Covid-19 has become one of the biggest killers of 2020 and this year exceeds breast cancer and malaria. You have highlighted your true colours and I wonder just how someone like yourself would react if people had to depend on you for care and protection of their lives.

        If you want to open your eyes slightly take a minute and learn how serious this virus can be.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Aldous Huxley says:

          The CIA operation Mockingbird propaganda fear porn WaPo? Are you serious? The birds gets pissed if you use it as bird cage liner.
          Do you regurgitate the jew York Times and watch CNN also? Only comatose zombies believe or regurgitate any of that hateful racist dogshit! Every single bit of it is the ministry of truths opposite of reality!
          I bet you believe a white supremacist and the tooth fairy exist then?
          I get it. You are very hateful and do not care about people at all. You are welcome to be that way.
          But you are asking people like Tricia to ignore her mother because hey, shes lived long enough so who cares right?
          Sorry, I will not stop caring about people like you suggest.
          I don’t live in your zombie Brave New World.


        • Tricia says:

          Oh this nonsense that those of us who think for ourselves and understand perspective on statistics and who are well versed on the low lethality of this virus for most people are selfish for caring about the hundreds of millions of others pushed in to poverty, addiction and suicide because of horrible fear, based government decisions that have done nothing to squelch the virus (hint nothing really can do that you know) and made us all worse off.

          Most people backed off of that line of thinking when it became abundantly clear how awful government officials have performed and how truly devastating the shutdowns have been and will continue to be for years to come long after they are done.

          The question is, why are you so selfish? Why do you want to compound the ill effects of forced shutdowns? Why are you asking everyone else to buy in to your fear based perspective?

          This shotgun approach to treating everyone as if they face the same threat from Covid is actually making it harder to protect and keep alive those that it does effect seriously. Why do you cling to a perspective that only kills more vulnerable people?

          Do you see how silly your binary thinking is that those of us who see the bigger picture are selfish and don’t take the virus seriously? I just can’t humor that way of thinking anymore.


          • Aldous Huxley says:


            Liked by 1 person

          • sklyjd says:

            I do not know about you Tricia but I do not want to play Russian Roulette with my pending retirement. I know I am very fit for my age and fit enough to survive the flu, a cold and quite a few other infections that can kill. I also know that with most conventional illnesses there is a proven treatment and often a cure. If there is no cure for an illness such as cancer it often comes down to genetics and my bad luck or the current lack of medical knowledge and technology.

            I prefer with any virus to take the best possible chance to stay unaffected and possibly stay alive and if I lose my job because that is the consequence of staying healthy and justified by an expert in diseases so be it. If people are committing suicide and becoming mentally unstable due to lock down the resources should be made available, just like the counselling offered to people who suffer trauma.

            The fear factor is a fact with anything people do not yet understand, the world is not perfect and trying to find the negative aspect with everything can have a detrimental effect on your well being, just like a virus.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Tricia says:

            Well I can appreciate that sklyjd as you are doing what we all should be doing, measuring what the virus risk is to you and your family and lIving as such. I and my family do the same.

            When this is over we would love to travel to your neck of the woods. Definitely a bucket list trip.

            Liked by 1 person

    • Aldous Huxley says:

      Gosh, we have a candidate to buy the Brooklyn bridge if you actually believe that shit!

      Sorry, I picture you driving in your car with the windows on wearing your oxygen depriving bacteria infested slave mask, as you endanger other people around you by wearing it.

      If your statement wasn’t malevence disguised as benevolence, I don’t know what is!

      To be that extremely hateful towards the elderly is just sad.
      It is literally what a mentally deranged comatose hateful intolerant bigoted lefty would say, as it is that HATEFUL!


      • sklyjd says:

        Of course it is obvious you are an expert on Covid-19, and for your information I do not wear a mask in a car or anywhere because I live in a country where we have full control of the virus situation and we have people that actually cared and looked after other people, unlike your country.

        You claim I am a lefty, mentally deranged hateful etc, etc and I am hateful towards the elderly. I take the insults as an indication you feel undone by some actual facts, but in truth I am a capitalist liberal communist with some green tendencies. Do not class me as an American voter of any kind, that is HATEFUL!


        • Aldous Huxley says:

          Ah, so you don’t like America besides people. That is obvious.
          You are not a liberal, and the only good communist is already locked in a rubber room with all the other retards.
          I despise hateful racist LIARS like yourself. These are FACTS unlike your despicable insults!
          Your faulty genetic inferior schizophrenic retarded racist terrorist country of ItsaHELL did 911.
          You are not jewish nor are you semetic, just subversive lying parasites.
          Only a conspiracy theorist would believe a fully warranted inferiority complex ugly retard who falsely calls itself a jew.


          • sklyjd says:

            With that disrespectful sermon of personal abuse you are obviously not a practicing Christian unlike most of the respectful commenters on here, if you are a Christian you need professional help.


        • Doug says:

          Hehe.. you Canadian, sklyjd?


          • sklyjd says:

            I’m a Kiwi in Aussie Doug. Don’t know if you are American but it appears most of these guys have no idea about what goes on outside their political American news media. We are actually quite friendly and helpful out here in Australia and NZ and most of us are not fanatical in the religious and political ideals that are dragging their country down.


          • Doug says:

            Nice to meet Aussies all the time. The barely difficult to see flag on my gravatar would suggest I am American. I was just curious given your responses in here. Click on my gravatar and that will lead you to my little blog for some personal context. I tend to leave religion to others… politics is another matter. Your New Zealand lady is rather popular here… and to a lesser degree, Mr. Morrison.

            Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on The Culture Alternative and commented:
    Here is the truth from our good friend Tricia. I am very thankful for her insight.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Al says:

    Loved it! I want Maureen for my grandmother. Never mind that we’re only 6 years apart in age.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Nothing like running around in a frenzied state of constant fear— the MO of politicians attempting to keep the electorate in obedience 😑

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Aldous Huxley says:

    She’s in Tel Aviv Doug. Probably some boiler room of propaganda perpetuation. They have a lot of them scouring the internet promoting their false narrative.

    She doesn’t even know how to tell the truth.


    • Doug says:

      Well.. learned long ago in my early chat room days.. this place (cyber world) is perfect for being whomever you choose to be… using whatever imagination is important to you.


  12. Citizen Tom says:

    Reblogged this on Citizen Tom and commented:
    Is the lockdown a good idea? Is it necessary? Does it do more good than harm? Does it even work? Are we even allowed to discuss these matters without being called names?

    Has anyone even asked who we are doing this lockdown for? Consider “What’s It All For Anyway?”

    Observe. Love without wisdom can be used to excuse lots of atrocities. One nation can exterminate another because the murderers love their own nation, and they want what those vermin — those not people — have for their nation.

    What about the tradeoffs? Is it best for children to live full lives? Because love them, we can keep our children out of school, ignorant, and lonely. Yet COVID-19 poses little danger to children. Children don’t even seem to spread the virus.

    Should we bury the old before they are dead? Because we love them, we can confine the old in solitary protect them from disease. Why not put them in a coffin? Buried six feet under would be the safest place from disease.

    Can we serve others if we separate ourselves from everyone? No? Yet our leaders tell us that because we love people, we must completely isolate ourselves from our family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen. That’s living?

    When does our noble solitary confinement end? Does it end when the people we all trust, the most hypocritical of politicians, decide they are tired of exercising new found powers?

    Because we love, our news media’s most beloved leaders demand that we nobly surrender our lives and just give up our freedom to them without a fight. They insist we stay in our foxholes, cover ourselves with dirt, and let their ridiculous regulations overrun us. Instead of working for a noble cause, a free country, they command us to lazily pretend we did something noble by obeying them and doing nothing. This they tell us is what it means to love.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. boudicaus says:

    Reblogged this on boudica.us and commented:
    H/T Citizen Tom

    Liked by 1 person

  14. con says:

    Reblogged this on Citizens.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. AnuRijo says:

    OMG..brilliant post..I’m enlightened..
    Thank you for sharing 💯👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Peter Harris says:

    This whole article is based on the fallacy of correlation equals causation.
    Peppered with mostly appeal to emotion and trying to join the dots, that don’t exist.


    • Tricia says:

      What fallacy is that? The article is not a scientific paper, it’s a blog post with an opinion many of us share that these never ending lockdowns are doing much more harm than the virus itself. And for old people especially by both by taking away the things that give life meaning and joy and diverting resource away from them. Such a tragedy.


      • Peter Harris says:

        What fallacy is that?
        As I said, the fallacy of making the mistake of correlation is causation.
        Correlation does not imply causation.
        If you’re not aware, look it up.

        Yes, this article is not a scientific paper, and it’s just your opinion.
        But opinions must be based in fact, rational and cogent facts.

        Can I ask, are you one of these Americans who believes Donald Trump had the election stolen from him?
        Do you believe there were some fraudulent interference in the US president election?


    • Doug says:

      Wow. That impresses me.


    • Aldous Huxley says:

      The article is based on reality. It is fallacy for you to believe you are conscious!

      Your pitiful ad hominem personal attack is pathetic and I would suggest not commenting if you are intellectually incapable of debating it.

      It’s easy to see you cannot connect the dots and base your opinions on emotion throwing solidarity to the wind.


      • Peter Harris says:

        My word… Pot-Kettle.

        “The article is based on reality.”
        Really, where? Can you articulate that?

        Trisha claims that; “…that these never ending lockdowns are doing much more harm than the virus itself.”

        Fine, if that’s her opinion, but she really needs to stump-up some facts in support that opinion.
        I can’t see where the lockdowns are creating more damage to people’s health, than they’re meant to prevent, if you look at it rationally and objectively.
        Such a strong and broad sweeping statement needs some data in support of it.

        That’s all I’m saying.

        In fact, there is some evidence that Lockdowns are having some good unintentional consequences.

        No Ad hominem here.
        Maybe you should check your dictionary for definitions and terms before you throw them about.


        • Tricia says:

          Lol, I’m not going to do your homework for you Peter. If you aren’t aware of the catastrophic effects lockdowns have had on mental health, addiction levels and delayed cancer screenings/surgeries etc… there isn’t much I can do for you.


          • Peter Harris says:

            My god Tricia, did you really say that?
            I can’t believe your response.

            “I’m not going to do your homework for you Peter.”
            Do you know how utterly inept and inane that response is??
            I could throw another list of adjectives in, but it would be a waste of time.

            If you make a claim, an extraordinary claim, such as…
            “…catastrophic effects lockdowns have…”
            You have to provide some substantial evidence for that extraordinary claim.

            So… what have you got?
            I would even accept some anecdotal evidence.

            You’ve already committed two fallacies…
            Appeal to probability, and Base rate fallacy.


          • sklyjd says:

            I agree the lock downs may have affected some people mentally but when you weigh up the figures Tricia of 385 thousand dead people the figures speak for themselves. I know some people say these figures are inaccurate and inflated but it is also considered by many medical people the figures should be doubled.

            If you can complete your bucket list and travel to Australia, good on you. If you come to the Gold Coast let me know and I will even pick you up from the airport 😊


  17. Peter Harris says:

    sklyjd… we’re not far apart, I live in Logan City.
    But please, don’t encourage her to come to Australia, or any other Americans.
    They’re likely to bring the coronavirus with them.
    Especially the “libertarians” who refuse to wear a mask.


    • sklyjd says:

      Peter, I expect any visitor will have to have had a jab and have to test negative before they can board a plane for Australia and likely be tested again when arriving. I hope so anyway. Logan is very close even though I have not yet travelled in that city and many others in the Brisbane direction. I will do that one day and I will drop around for a beer:) At least this end of the state we are basically virus free so far.


  18. Pingback: They Won’t Stop Until We tell Them To | Freedom Through Empowerment

Respectful comments always welcome.