Our Cultural Marxist Moment

Fractured AmericaI can think of no better way to set a person up for failure, than to repeatedly tell them that everything wrong in their life is the fault of someone else and that making personal changes is pointless because the “system” is rigged against them.  

Common sense, yes? Honest self evaluation is a requirement for personal growth, but this won’t happen if a person sees no need to do this and in today’s world, why should they?  With the theory of  intersectionality having gone from something your weird aunt used to talk about after drinking too much wine to an accepted doctrine being actively pushed taught on college campuses across America, this is only natural.

Intersectionality is where skin color, gender and sexuality determine the level to which a person is oppressed, not by anything specific done to them and where consequences are divorced from individual actions.  Even worse, these labels also determine whether you yourself are an oppressor, based not on things you actually do, but on which group you belong to.

The saddest part of this is not the class of aggrieved and bitter people this creates,  but that it’s pretty unlikely they will ever grow fully in to the person they were meant to be.

Yet this intersectionality nonsense is precisely at the heart of victimhood our society marinates in and creates the perfect breeding ground for this surreal cultural Marxist moment we find ourselves in.  Pit citizen against citizen, create an “enemy” to blame for all of life’s woes and put an enlightened group in charge to save “you” from “them”.  It’s not surprising then that something like this results:

It’s tempting to write this off as just one group of very misunderstood people acting foolish in one small part of the country. This isn’t just a one off however, it’s part of something much bigger more aggressive and hate filled. It’s hard to precisely define, but we all know, most of us anyway, it’s is not good.

According to this article from Commentary Magazine, we are in an active battle for the very survival of the country. Not a physical one with traditional battlefields and uniforms, but via massive psychological operations (PSYOPS), with propaganda, guilt manipulation and victim exploitation as key weapons.

From the article:

The great unraveling at first consisted of riots and looting under the pretense of seeking justice for the recently killed George Floyd; the anarchist occupation of a section of Seattle; and a rash of accusations, confessions, and dismissals of individuals who showed insufficient fealty to the new anti-racist paradigm. At the time, extreme policy proposals, such as defunding municipal police departments, were subjects for popular discussion and debate. Everyday Americans swapped Black Lives Matter reading lists and strove, however misguidedly, to broaden their conception of racial inequity.

As of this writing, Portland, Oregon, has endured more than two months straight of anarchist violence directed at federal buildings and employees. In other cities—New York, Los Angeles, Richmond, Omaha, and Austin, to name a few—mob violence continues to erupt regularly, always connected to cries for justice and sometimes resulting in death.

Accelerating the general dissolution, police forces have been successfully hobbled in response to the killing of George Floyd, and the resulting spike in murder and violent crime shows no sign of abating. All the while, armchair lynch mobs have continued to claim the scalps of those who veer from or merely stumble on the path to social-justice enlightenment. It is the full-time job of any American with a public presence to bow down before the identity cult. Professional athletes have mutated overnight into a congeries of Kaepernicks. As for the public, 62 percent of all Americans, according to a poll by the CATO Institute, now say they’re afraid to voice their political views lest they be punished professionally.”

I have to admit I am part of that 62% at times, especially on anything race related. Not so much out of fear of being fired, but because I don’t want to be socially ostracized for having an “incorrect” view. I feel stupid for even saying such words as I never would have imagined even thinking this just 10 yeas ago.

So where does this all end? Certainly not well for conservatives if things continue as is, but what about traditional liberals who believe in freedom of expression, capitalism and law and order? What happens when they finally realize that they too are on the chopping block? For the Marxist anyone in power is part of and an enabler of an existing, oppressive system, even though they may not realize it.

In this outstanding article, The Challenge of Marxism, author Yoran Hazony predicts:

We don’t know what will happen for certain. But based on the experience of recent years, we can venture a pretty good guess. Institutional liberalism lacks the resources to contend with this threat. Liberalism is being expelled from its former strongholds, and the hegemony of liberal ideas, as we have known it since the 1960s, will end. Anti-Marxist liberals are about to find themselves in much the same situation that has characterized conservatives, nationalists, and Christians for some time now: They are about to find themselves in the opposition.

This means that some brave liberals will soon be waging war on the very institutions they so recently controlled. They will try to build up alternative educational and media platforms in the shadow of the prestigious, wealthy, powerful institutions they have lost. Meanwhile, others will continue to work in the mainstream media, universities, tech companies, philanthropies, and government bureaucracy, learning to keep their liberalism to themselves and to let their colleagues believe that they too are Marxists—just as many conservatives learned long ago how to keep their conservatism to themselves and let their colleagues believe they are liberals.

This is the new reality that is emerging. There is blood in the water and the new Marxists will not rest content with their recent victories. In America, they will press their advantage and try to seize the Democratic Party. They will seek to reduce the Republican Party to a weak imitation of their own new ideology, or to ban it outright as a racist organization. And in other democratic countries, they will attempt to imitate their successes in America. No free nation will be spared this trial. So let us not avert our eyes and tell ourselves that this curse isn’t coming for us. Because it is coming for us.”

Personally I think things are going to get worse, a lot worse before any sense of normalcy returns, if it ever does. This will require liberals and conservatives standing together in opposition to mob rule, cancel culture, statue toppling, lawlessness and all the rest.

A robust defense of America is also needed and of her founding ideals and how things like the Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee those gathering in the streets the right to peaceful assembly and due process for those inclined to burn buildings and loot stores.

Frankly, seeing as how the left and right in this country not only live in different realities but seem to be habituating on different planets, I’m not optimistic of any type of grand partnership occurring.

Chaos, riots, protests, looting, divisiveness, violence…..who exactly does this empower?

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60 Responses to Our Cultural Marxist Moment

  1. Doug says:

    There are times I sense you are close to “something” as your frustration builds. I believe in your spirit in wanting some… well, detente, for lack of a better word at the moment. But I am thinking you are seeing the two vehicles of opposing thought heading smack into each other in the very near future. On that I also agree. Trust me when I say that in political blogs it’s very rare reading someone who posts a sincere concern for the national consciousness, rather than the usual “I’m right and you’re an idiot.” We surely have opposite opinions.. but likely share the same sensitivities of impending doom.
    Let me ask…. when did you first see all this starting to culminate, and what might be the reason it’s gone this far.. and likely to go further? Sometimes reviewing how things got so bad can provide a clue to a minimal resolution somehow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      Yeah, I agree, I guess it would be hard not to sense an impending doom, even if you keep completely off the political scene. There’s always been opposing forces but this to me is different. Political nastiness too has always been with us but the demonizing of those with different views I think started reaching new levels with GWB’s presidency and have sky rocketed since along with rise of social media.

      Lack of critical thinking skills, lack of purpose and meaning in life, a drift from the spiritual, more materialism….all of this plays a role. Social media especially, both in how it kills thinking and reading comprehension skills and for its ability to instantly sprout and spread false narratives around the world and cement tribes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Doug says:

        Any thoughts on how “we” fix things before they get too carried away?
        Prior to the pandemic I tended to compare current national emotion to those reflected during the 60’s since I was there. But things have progressed to a point where, using a historical comparison, this is similar to the 1850’s.. although I wasn’t around at that time to be completely accurate.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tricia says:

          What, you weren’t around in the 1850’s? ;). I’m not sure there is much we can do but stand firmly opposed to this vast remaking of our country and the erasure of its founding ideals. As I said at the end though it’s going to require a partnership between the left and right that I’m not sure is possible today. We shall see.


  2. Good stuff, Tricia! I hope you got to watch the RNC? Very inspiring. 🙂

    While all these issues have a huge impact on the country at large, I look at them more in the context of individuals. Your words here apply to every drug addict, rebellious teen, and victim of trauma I encounter. “I can think of no better way to set a person up for failure, than to repeatedly tell them that everything wrong in their life is the fault of someone else and that making personal changes is pointless because the “system” is rigged against them.” It is a total recipe for disaster. You flat out can not heal, grow, progress, or get unstuck when that is the prevailing attitude. So this stuff is really unhealthy for individuals, especially younger ones who often don’t have enough experience to understand why this mindset is so dangerous.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Thanks IB. I’ve caught a few RNC speeches here and there and yes, they have been inspiring! It’s funny, or sad really that I know others that had the complete opposite reaction, as they were “disgusted and horrified” by the RNC. Again, two different realities and this is a big and growing problem.

      I think victimhood is central to the problems our country is facing and I know you too speak out often about it. Our institutions and laws now, at least in blue states like California and Washington very much promote this mindset with no bail laws and providing free housing with no mandates to give up the drugs and alcohol. So dangerous indeed.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Very well said. This is so true: “Chaos, riots, protests, looting, divisiveness, violence…..who exactly does this empower?”


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sobering Tricia— well said

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aldous Huxley says:

    As a progressive liberal myself, I think It is more than obvious at this point that identity politics are pure poison and designed entirely to manipulate the masses. If you cannot see this you are blind and comatose at this point. All identity politics ARE Racism and Sexism which is frankly simple logic. But American’s have been brainwashed by liberalism producing a bunch of braindead slaves for the banksters to use and abuse. Liberalism does not even remotely produce a liberal like myself, it produces BIGOTS as evidenced by the unconscious KKK Democrats.

    As is extremely obvious, the big switch is a Big LIE!

    Orwell did not write fiction as everything is inverted. The vile Hateful Racist term “White Privilege” is designed to silence white people like Tricia and myself into submission, but this psychologically projecting term doesn’t work on progressive liberals like myself, as I see thru the deception.

    Tricia knows that it is I who silence all KKK slavery Democrats, as their confident programmed regurgitations do not see the light of day with me I merely speak the uncomfortable truths, but people like to hear the comfortable LIES because that their minds have been drilled with their whole life.

    Only a conspiracy theorist would believe any of the propaganda media at this point, as it is all designed to manipulate the minds of the masses, no truth involved. Turn it OFF!

    “When it is uncomfortable, when it is unpopular, even when it is dangerous to speak the truth, Is the precise time when the truth should be spoken.” Unknown author

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Tricia says:

    Lot’s of lying going on these days unfortunately. What’s good is considered bad and bad considered good. Lot’s of truth that identity politics is just racism and sexism but under a different brand name.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dennis says:

    There is no need to fear the rioters. Notice how the really bad ones cover their face, strike from your back and loot at every opportunity. They are by and large cowards and are using any excuse to riot and loot. These are same folks who loot after a natural disaster.
    We MUST stand up to them and not back down no matter the consequences. No mercy no quarter! Our liberty and way of life is not worth giving into these morons for the sake of some temporary relief. They will demand more, riot more and loot more when you give into them no matter how small the concession.
    The ballot box is the cure for this mess the democrats have allowed to take place. If the national election gives President Trump another four years and we have a strong majority in the Congress this lawlessness will cease. I firmly believe that.
    Hang tough, lock and load!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aldous Huxley says:

      I would love to believe you, but are they not happening under Trumps watch already? Sorry, they are all orchestrated and will continue to get much worse. That is the plan they enacted many years ago!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Doug says:

      Just a note, Dennis. Trump blathered in 2016 that he would end violence. This is all happening on his watch (after 3.5 years into his term) and has nothing to do with Dem mayor cities. In fact, of all the major cities, 35 have Dem mayors, 13 are GOP, and two are Indy but backed by Dems. So.. with only one in three mayors being GOP it’s very likely by the numbers it would appear cities with Dem mayors would number more. Trump hasn’t and will never “fix” anything,.


      • Aldous Huxley says:

        Fully concur Doug. Trump is puppet to the banksters who own him. He is an actor only and not in charge. The deep state will continue their plan that was developed behind closed doors, and that plan is to destroy America as we know it!


      • Tricia says:

        Except it’s not all happening under his watch. This has been building up for many years, particularly under the Obama administration who let the Ferguson Hands up Don’t Shoot” lie fester in to multiple days of rioting and the beginning of snipers actively taking out the police.

        The violence of today has to do with Trump merely because the anarchists that want to do away with our system of government all together (different from your average protestor) are taking advantage of and exploiting the lefts’ Trump Derangement Syndrome to cause mayhem and chaos.


        • Doug says:

          Ah.. well.. it appears our little discussion is drifting back to polarity again.
          But yes, Tricia… things are about to get rather bad leading into the election, the election itself, and very likely post-election. I fear we’ve barely dented what’s coming… because whatever additional compounding crisis comes it will affect the economy even further, and not just the politics we might opt to choose to ignore. In other words, we’ve not hit bottom yet. All this has little to do with Marxism, Communism, or any other political “ism”. This is a perfect storm of an assortment of social, cultural, and political pressures fed by a runaway deadly and crippling pandemic half the population doesn’t believe is actually happening and believe will go away “shortly”, and the just plain variety of human nature trying to deal with the stress of it all every which way, all without any sort of leadership to believe in or rally around (either side). Future is pretty bleak regardless where you wanna place your chips. .. and whatever state you reside in.
          I’m sure it won’t be the end of the world or the end of the country. But that does not mean it will not hurt… in lives… directly, indirectly, passively, violently. It doesn’t mean we give up either. I’m sure most Americans would fight for their country in some way… the problem with that is… we are our own “enemy”.


    • Tricia says:

      It’s not so much the rioters I fear Dennis but the long term game of those who are manipulating them. Read the two articles I linked to when you have time, they have nailed the issues in my opinion.


  8. Dennis says:

    Respectfully disagree with two previous comments.
    President Trump has tried to send the mayors and governors of the democrat controlled states and each offer has been declined until the public has made their opposition voices heard by the governing bodies. Look at the reaction of the mayors to President Trump sending in Federal Agents to protect Federal property. Do you really believe this is a plan by President Trump?
    Is he an actor that has built boarder wall(s), moved the Embassy in Israel, done away with crippling regulations and fought and won battles against the very deep state you believe cannot be stopped? If he is a puppet then his puppet masters must be awful mad at him!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aldous Huxley says:

      Moved the embassy in ItsaHELL? Do you support Racist ashkeNAZI supremacists who did 911 so America would go fight their wars for the Racist terrorist apartheid state of ItsaHELL? I didn’t know you were an anti-semite like that? I support the Semite Palestinians against the Terrorist racist anti-semetic synagogue of Satan child sacrificing ItsaHELL!
      Have you heard about the USS Liberty (1967) where the terrorist state of ItsaHELL purposely attacked a US destroyer? The Lavon affair? The dancing Israelis on 911?
      Sorry, I am a progressive liberal and I do not like anti-semites at all!
      Trump is an actor period!


      • Tricia says:

        Stop Huxley, you’re getting off topic again….


        • Aldous Huxley says:

          No I am not, but I do trigger your ego and most others by telling the truth. I am for America, not at all for a country who is the enemy within creating all these riots. I don’t bring comfortable LIES, I bring up simple FACTS that challenge peoples programming. You know that very well.

          Your ego will stop you from looking up these simple facts like the USS Liberty, but they would confirm I am 100% right.

          I simply do not live in the Brave New World, and facts are not something I avoid like the vast majority of American’s.

          I will continue to speak the Truth, as that is what should be done. I have no ideological ax to grind except for the Truth! I can Socratically back anything I say up!

          But the cognitive dissonance of the Brave New World is immense I understand.


          • Aldous Huxley says:

            Very good video if you care to understand true reality. Everything that we are going thru is not by chance as it has been planned long ago.


          • Doug says:

            While I don’t believe in the deep state conspiracies of the Right, (nor any other conspiracies they might dream up) what you suggest here, Mr. Huxley, is way beyond that. Rather reminds me of the old “Tri-lateral Commission” shadows and the Illuminati. Sorry, buddy.. you’re on your own here.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Aldous Huxley says:

            LOL! Doug, I am not a conspiracy theorist whatsoever. I never believe anything from the government or the subversive LYING media. CFR, Tri-lateral commission, Free Mason’s who are part of the Illuminati along with the Zionists are exactly what manipulate the masses minds.

            I do not live in the Orwellian World, Plato’s Cave, Brave New World where you live, as I know it is all a puppet show!

            “The masses of men lead lives of desperation” Thoreau


          • Doug says:

            So then what do you do.. wander mentally around jousting at windmills?


          • Aldous Huxley says:

            No, I leave that for you. I simply live in reality, not what is presented to the masses as it is total puppet show. Our government is a corporation and leaders are selected to serve the corporation, and the masses have the illusion of a choice.
            All our Presidents are related, and that is not a cohencidence!

            Orwell nor did Huxley write fiction. The minds of the masses are controlled. I merely exited the Matrix and no longer live in Plato’s Cave. That is the very reason most people think I am nuts! LOL! But many people do like what I have to say for sure as it confirms what they realize also. I am simply not a sheeple, as I knew the corona hoax was a farce from the start.

            I see beyond the shadows and lies of our culture, and I actually do not expect to be believed, nor understood by the masses. I am only understood by those who are willing to break down the walls of the illusion, as the walls of the mind are built too see who cares enough to break them down.


          • Doug says:

            Are you wanting to be understood, or do you prefer to relish in the abstract of your own importance over the masses who don’t “see” what you see?


      • Aldous Huxley says:

        Unfortunately, your ego precludes any comprehension on your part. You are stuck on your belief that you are right, when the ego is always wrong. Hence, this is how the inversion of the Orwellian World works. Instead of questioning me, your ego feels the need to lecture me.
        I don’t need any validation nor do I want it.
        It is you who is trying to relish in the abstract of your own importance, as your statement is pure psychological projection.
        Frankly, I don’t give a shit, but it is me you should be listening to and questioning me.
        But your ego who believes it is right will not simply because that is how the mechanics of mind control work.
        All KKK slavery party Democrats are pure ego, and that is the very reason they have NO Intelligence. All they do is pure psychological projection, meaning they are 100% guilty of what they accuseth.

        Confident programmed regirgitations do not an opinion make.


        • Doug says:

          Lecture you? I’m not about to try and convince you of anything… because I could care less. You’re wound up too much with yourself and idolizing your dystopian namesake… and Orwell. You’re on the outside of society looking in as if you have some secret knowledge of what was, what is, and what will be, when in at least one reality you are simply no better than the rest of us who make up your masses. Huxley took drugs to attain his level of “clarity”. You doing that as well?


          • Aldous Huxley says:

            Nice lecture! You are completely guilty of what you accuseth. You are completely brainwashed and will not listen. Very normal for the masses and the dystopian society they know is not ok, but fail to figure out why.

            I do do drugs, I drink beer. No hard liquor though.

            You simply are a sheep and never questions things and that is what the ruling class wants. Good slaves who pay their taxes and ignore all the satanic child sex trafficking.

            I don’t live in Platos cave as you do. That is why your illusion and my reality is much diffirent.

            Your reality is pure dystopia, and mine is completely logical, mind you it is completely absurd.


          • Doug says:

            Well, the drugs you snort, inject, or puff away on, were likely prepared and distributed to you by people living my “dystopia” in order for you see clearly in your’s. You’re welcome.
            We’ve progressed past the globalization economy and gone multi-dimensional!


          • Aldous Huxley says:

            Ah, you didn’t listen as usual! Not unexpected!

            Since you are intellectually incapable of debate, slander is the realm of losers.

            Since you have conceded defeat by using slander and personally attacked me, I accept your surrender.

            Now be a good slave and wear your bacteria infested oxygen depriving slave mask, as it is obvious you let others think for you!


          • Doug says:

            Well, we can certainly agree on one thing.. you win (whatever it is that needs winning).


          • Aldous Huxley says:

            Winning is not my objective ever.

            I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only try to make someone think.

            Never let someone else think for you. Unfortunately, most people are sheep, and do as they are told.

            Question everything.


  9. Dennis says:

    …tried to send help….

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Tom Salmon says:

    Reblogged this on Prince William-Manassas Family Alliance and commented:

    Good post! Just a couple of observations that I expect will help make you a bit more hopeful.

    The term “Left” and “Right” do not actually mean anything. There is not a dime’s worth of difference between Nazis and Communists. There two parameters we need to consider to help us understand the spectrum over which government ranges.
    1. Government control over the individual. If government has no control over the individual, we have anarchy. If government has complete control over the individual, we have a totalitarian state like Nazi Germany or Stalin’s USSR. To have a government that serves the people, we must give the government the power to prohibit wrongdoing by individuals and organizations.
    2. The purpose of government. Because this parameter is difficult to conceptualize, it causes the confusion that leads us to think the terms “Left” and “Right” are meaningful. Surely, we think the Nazis’ notions of racism distinguish them from the Communists’ notions of class warfare. However, consider how the concept of Intersectionality combines both ideologies. Then explain that.

    We define the purpose of government based upon what we believe is the purpose of life. If we believe that we MUST all share the same purpose, then we use the government to nationalize the purpose of our lives. If we believe government is absolutely necessary to fulfil life’s purpose, we need a theocracy. If we think government has nothing to do with our life’s purpose, then a secular state works just fine.

    These two parameters, government control over the individual and nationalizing our understanding of the purpose of life, do not operate independently of each other. I think that is largely because of convoluted thinking. That is, we constantly struggle over individual rights and too much religious influence of the government because we confuse the issues. Sometimes some of us confuse government give-away programs with the protection of individual rights. Sometimes some of us demand that the government enforce our religious beliefs on the public in the sincere belief government has the power to make others share our beliefs. Hence, we can end up with a situation where people demand that a secular government redistribute our nation’s wealth as if charity is not based upon a religious belief and the notion government can love us does not require a theocracy.

    Where can Conservatives and Anti-Marxist Liberals find common cause? The term “Liberal” is not well defined these days, but it safe to say that any Democrat who is not ready to accept a Marxist regime is an anti-Marxist Liberal. Thus, the problem for the Conservative is figuring out what it is about Marxism that turns off Liberal Democrats. There is something, but it is not always easily discerned.

    Almost all Americans believe that we each have the right to run our own lives. Marxism denies that belief. Socialists argue that we can have it both ways, that we can have government giveaways and still run our own lives. Conservatives must quietly explain to Anti-Marxist Liberals that the differences between Marxism and Socialism are more imagined than real. Both Marxism and Socialism require giving our public officials too much power. When we give the government enough power, our public official can then control us, and there is nothing Liberal about that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Doug says:

      All that sounds just wonderful….. if it’s the end of your day and you’re sitting in front of your fireplace, dressed in your smoking jacket with ascot, and reflecting on the philosophy of government while taking a puff on your pipe. You are always lamenting about government trying to get more power over our lives as a natural order of things. I tend to think government R us… and any government is correct if it is left up to the people of which it represents to vote for their leaders. In fact, one might even extend that “choice” to those countries that are run by authoritarian dictators who obtain order through murder and intimidation. They are “allowed” to lead because their citizens surrender to it. The presumption is that there will be a point where the citizens will rise up and demand greater representation… or not. This happens even in democracies from time to time.
      But I don’t see any of (our) government-as-a-singular-entity as a quest for power. Individuals may seek it.. but that’s just humanity at play. We have laws and oversight to try and combat that to the level we are interested in combating it at all.
      How something falls “Marxist” or “Socialist” or “Communist”, or whatever is just categorizing to vilify. There is no inner sanctum Star Chamber controlling it all for power grabbing.


      • Tom Salmon says:


        Don’t smoke. Don’t have a fireplace. Don’t think that government thinks.

        People form into factions in order to control the power that is government. Often one faction succeeds in enslaving people. Slavery is old and enduring. Since most people live under authoritarian and totalitarian governments, it is kind of obvious that we require constant vigilance to prevent tyranny. It is naive to think otherwise, but such naivete is commonplace.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Doug says:

          Vigilance is needed only to maintain the status quo. If the status quo needs changing, or people think it does, then a new status quo begins. Pretty much it’s whatever the majority wants, or rather, what the majority can hang on to.


          • Tom Salmon says:


            You know better than that. If you were standing guard at the gate of a city, vigilance would require you to distinguish between threats and people with legitimate business in your city, not maintaining the status quo.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Doug says:

            Keeping order/standing watch as authorized by the status quo, as it pertains to the enforcement of the laws established by the status quo.


          • Tom Salmon says:


            Nothing is more rare than a system designed to maintain the status quo. Because such systems by design lack the ability to adapt, they die.


          • Doug says:

            Status quo is constantly evolving and being re-newed, which seems to oppose being a “status quo” if there’s change. But.. because we are human nothing lasts forever… even a status quo. How long must a status quo last before ceasing to be a status quo?


          • Tom Salmon says:


            An evolving status quo. Sounds like an oxymoron.


    • Aldous Huxley says:

      Too believe your hypothesis you have to believe a ton of lies we have been brainwashed with our whole lives.

      America fought on the WRONG side of all wars and all wars. We fought the with the commies who ARE ashkeNAZI supremacist banksters, the same scum who run the disgusting hateful racist media and child sacrificing Hollywood morally depraved sewage.

      Are they all not programmed retarded racist sexist hateful intolerant bigoted KKK slavery Democrats?

      ashkeNAZI supremacist ARE commies and the history we have been told about WW2 is horseshit.

      Wake up as the Connie ashkeNAZI scum run the racist thugs of fascist antifa and BLM (Bolshevik LIES matter)

      Same game plan they used to murder 66 million white people in Russia, the Holodomer in Ukraine, and the slaughter of good German people in both World Wars.

      The hateful racist holohoax LIE is bullshit, as the ashkeNAZIs did 911, not Arabs, but they do use these people as proxy armies against proper civilized Western Civilization.

      You must unlearn the propaganda we were taught in indoctrination centers called schools.

      Unlearning the lies is more important right now than anything.

      Orwells description of the inversion is reality, not fiction.


    • Tricia says:

      Thank you Tom, as always for the re-blog. And I really like what you sat here about how people interpret the purpose of government based on how we interpret the purpose of life, that’s very interesting. And yes, liberals in the traditional sense need to understand better that there really isn’t much difference between Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, etc….they are are all related but on different areas of the same spectrum.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Our Cultural Marxist Moment — Reblog – Citizen Tom

  12. Mel Wild says:

    Well said, Tricia. I found your post through Citizen Tom. I agree with what you’re saying here.
    “This will require liberals and conservatives standing together in opposition to mob rule, cancel culture, statue toppling, lawlessness and all the rest.”

    We started to see this with the Intellectual Dark Web folks (IDW), bringing liberals and conservatives together against the unhinged Marxist left. We’re also seeing the #walkaway movement leaving the radicalized Democrat party. It will probably get worse before it gets better but these are hopeful signs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tricia says:

      Thanks Mel and welcome. You know I had forgotten a little the IDW folks and you are right, that is where many sane liberals went to converse with conservatives and libertarians. Hopefully this will grow.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. ragnarsbhut says:

    Tricia, what are your thoughts on the tax issue?


Respectful comments always welcome.