Renewed Through Living Water

Journal Notes

Please excuse the chicken scratch notes above.  I was born a lefty in to a family notorious for bad handwriting and thus I continue the tradition. It’s my journal notes from this morning which read as follows:

“It’s through living water that God renews the mind.  As the heart grows larger and more open to the Holy Spirit, the mind stretches to areas God wants it to.

A healed heart brings healthy, God focused thoughts which prompts righteous actions.  Let God renew your heart, mind and soul!”

I hadn’t realized it but today’s entry was really a continuation of the one above it about an oasis I came across recently while hiking in the desert.  That one actually is entitled Living Water and states:

“Like drinking water when you’re parched, inviting God in to my life quenches a deep thirst in me, as the Holy Spirit seeps in to areas inside me I didn’t even know existed.

This is how God renews us and creates something different.  There we are  plodding along, a bit directionless, confused and perhaps suffering through harsh circumstances, when suddenly His knock comes about.  Open the door to His oasis, eat the mana, drink the living water and watch in awe as life unfolds through His perspective.

I wish you and your loved ones a Happy to start to a New Year full of renewal, hope and joy! Bring it on 2020!



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27 Responses to Renewed Through Living Water

  1. ColorStorm says:

    Well I have it on very good sources Tricia that God holds a special place for lefties. ( Does David and the goon Goliath of Gath ring a bell?)

    But you could work on the handwriting. 😂

    Great connection with the arid land and thirst- like a deer lantern after water and all that….

    And hope the new year rings true for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Not a lefty but appreciate the challenge. 🙂

    Blessings to you and your family for an amazing new year. May the joy of King Jesus quench all your thirst.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. madblog says:

    Wishing you a Happy New Year Tricia!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Al says:

    I think you’ve hit on something, Tricia. The right drinks living water while the left drinks cool-aid. That explains a lot.

    I think your handwriting is fine. I could read every word without a problem. You’ve never seen mine. Thank goodness I can hide it behind a keyboard.

    Happy New Year to the intellectual oasis amid the California desert of lunacy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful post, Tricia. Happy New Year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. oneta hayes says:

    You checked a comment from me over at IB’s so I came to visit. Will follow.


  7. Canuck Carl says:

    I have always loved the analogy of how water can quench and sustain physical thirst and how the Living Water satisfies us spiritually.

    What an amazing thing to experience to physically go hiking in the desert and come across that oasis there in the desert.

    Hope your year has been going well! Thank you for sharing Tricia! 🙏💧😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I hope you are knowing life and refreshing through the Water, T.


    Liked by 1 person

  9. i’m not sure why, but i landed on this post today….hope you are doing well…..wanted to say thanks for a lovely little post and take care…..

    Liked by 1 person

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