Patricia Arquette’s Acceptance Speech Made Me Want to Hurl

Oh Patricia, you were so impressive in the TV series, Medium, using that brilliant psychic sense of yours to catch the bad guys while running intellectual circles around your hapless team members. You were magnificent to watch and had come such a long way since Nightmare on Elm Street 3. So what the heck happened during your Oscar acceptance speech? Did the shiny glare from the little golden man statue catch you off guard? Or perhaps you started the after party a little early, say on the limo ride over?

Let’s back up. Being a Patricia Arquette fan, I felt excited when she got the Oscar nod and eagerly waited for her acceptance speech. She looked both beautiful and honestly bewildered to have won the film industry’s top prize and the moment was endearing to watch, sweet even. Then she made her ridiculous statements about equal rights and wage equality for women and woosh, my gooey, happy thoughts disappeared, replaced by a strong desire to blow chunks all over my TV screen.

Don’t get me wrong, if she had been talking about repressed countries like Iran where a woman can be hung for adultery after being raped, or in India where 300,000-600,000 female babies are aborted yearly due to their perceived poor value I’d have been out of my seat right along with Meryl Streep, fist pumping away while shouting a hearty “you go girl”!

Unfortunately she wasn’t and when she said, “It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America!” I cringed. Honestly, I was embarrassed for her. How could a woman whose risen to the top of her game in a notoriously cut throat industry and whose net worth is estimated at 24 million dollars stand up there and complain about pay inequality?

Granted I’m sure she wasn’t referencing her particular situation but really, doe she not know that laws against wage discrimination have been on the books since 1963 and that the “pay gap” myth has been thoroughly debunked? This has been shown over and over and over again.  And what in God’s name was she talking about with that equal rights for women business? I’m a woman living in America and I have the same rights as men do, as does Patricia Arquette, as does every woman in the country.

It was galling really until I remembered that a lot of otherwise smart women also believe this poisoned narrative about the U.S. and it made me sad how badly it’s infected our culture and how poorly “first world feminism” is serving us. I wrote about this in an earlier post, saying….

“We hear this sentiment often as part of the War on Women  strategy cynically conceived by lawmakers to make women believe they are victims of a structural sexism that keeps them down and the only way out is by voting a certain way.

How does this help anybody other than politicians fishing for votes? Drilling in to someone’s head over and over that the world is hopelessly tilted against them does nothing to encourage that person to look at themselves and how they can better their situation. Instead it creates a victimhood/savior mentality that steers people towards dependence on others and a bitter sort of entitlement that they are owed something.

Boiling down complicated issues to political talking points like this is so divisive as it pits one group against another (in this case men and women). For example on equal pay, you commonly hear that women make 23% less than men for the same work. Sounds crappy and unfair right? Yet if you dig in to the studies, as this article does , you’ll see many factors are involved like women cutting back on hours after giving birth and men choosing higher paying career majors like math and science rather than the humanities and education paths women tend to follow. Take these things out of the equation and the pay gap shrinks dramatically and when comparing single childless women to single childless men it almost disappears.”

 Look I believe some women are discriminated against in the working world but feel the alarmism about it is way out of proportion to the amount of people this actually affects and there are plenty of legal paths open already to fighting it. The last thing we need are more laws/regulations which will actually make things tougher for women. We are already empowered now ladies, with full access to rights other generations fought so hard to give us. Stop letting others define you as a victim and just concentrate on enhancing your own life. You’ll be amazed how far this gets you.

 So Patricia, I look forward to watching Boyhood, the film that brought you the Oscar but I think I will skip your next speech.

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17 Responses to Patricia Arquette’s Acceptance Speech Made Me Want to Hurl

  1. Dustin John says:

    Absolutely and wonderfully said! You nailed it. Thank you thank you thank you. The political machine will always pin one against another whether it be men and women, rich and poor, black or white…. It is quite sad and pathetic what evil they are capable of just for a vote grab. Hearing this truth from a female is so refreshing so again thank you for tearing the mask off the real suppressors. Men and women are a perfect biological fit and we aid each other in a perfect balance. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Hey Dustin, thanks so much for your comment and I’m glad to see we are on the same page. I think it’s truly damaging for women to be lured in to believing they are continually discriminated against. It’s just not true in the Western world and it puts false limits on what we truly can accomplish. Not to mention the broad brush that kind of narrative tars men with.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow – I have learned something from you today! I love your stance against victimhood, and think it could effectively be applied in a great many contexts, not only feminism. But although I’ve always resisted the “you are a victim” message, I had never really questioned the claim that women were paid less until I read the links in this post. I’m sure I’m not alone in having assumed that they were paid less for the same work, simply because they were women, and I thought that was wrong, but it didn’t directly affect me, I have other drums I prefer to beat, so I didn’t really look into it. Thank you for writing this and for sharing the links; I appreciate the new information!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tricia says:

      Balladonna your comment meant a lot to to me, especiallympointing out that you learned something. I wonder often if I’m just preaching to the choir when I post kind of political things or if it comes off as just another obnoxious rant. I always try to be informative though to people just like you who have an open mind. Thanks again for coming by!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. La Sabrosona says:

    Hi Tricia I did a google search and this is what I found.

    I have never had a “professional” job and as a stay-at-home-mom, the pay gap is not an issue for me. I wish I got paid to be a stay-at-home mom! That’s a whole other can of worms.

    I see a lot of discrimination here in Canada. Immigrants, professionals in their homeland, are treated like idiots here and it makes me sick. Bias, discrimination, assumptions exist in every field, job, position. There’s politics in the smallest office or business. Hierarchy I think is something that’s hardwired in our brains and we’re always making comparisons and wanting to quantify data.

    There is a pervasive attitude though that women are less intelligent and less capable than women. I’ve seen that numerous times. Do you feel valued and respected for your intellect and contribution in your workplace?

    Liked by 2 people

    • La Sabrosona says:

      oops I meant less capable than MEN


      • Tricia says:

        I forgot to mention that I agree with you that discrimination against immigrants is a problem and I think it’s horrible. It’s a different thing though (in my mind) than female sex discrimination. And yes, office politics are everywhere, male, female, black, white, hispanic, no one is immune! ;0

        Liked by 1 person

        • La Sabrosona says:

          My assumption would be to agree that there is still a gap, but since I’m “running my own business” (household) I don’t have personal experience with the wage gap between men and women

          Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia says:

        La Sabrosona, as always I so appreciate your perspective, thanks for sharing it! Well I can’t speak for Canada but I can say that in America, sex discrimination in the work force is just not a big issue. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but there are laws on the books against it already and many, many, legal paths available for women to take recourse. And proposed mandated equal pay laws would have an adverse effect of making companies shy away from hiring women due to fear of lawsuits. And yes,fortunately I do feel valued and respected at my job and I work in a traditionally make oriented find (technology sales); I’ll admit too sometimes my sex benefits me in ways it never could for a man. 😉 I checked out your link too and it was well written and informative but even though its final analysis was that things like hours worked and career choice don’t make up for the pay gap, it seemed that a lot of what they referenced did indeed reinforce this as well as the link that article referenced. I’ll admit thought I did not dig in to all the pages and will try and do so later when I have the time. I think we shall have agree to disagree on this but how boring would life be if we all shared the same opinions, right?

        Liked by 1 person

        • La Sabrosona says:

          You’re definitely more educated on this topic than I am. I haven’t had any interest in this debate…so I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you…just surprised I guess by how assumptions make up our beliefs…I learned something about myself so thank you 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia says:

        I love these words you wrote…”just surprised I guess by how assumptions make up our beliefs…I learned something about myself”. So true about assumptions and beliefs, I run in to it all the time with myself. On good days I’m open minded about correction. On bad days, I get a little pig headed…

        Liked by 2 people

  4. madblog says:

    Excellent. When I was so proud of myself for inventing the term “first world feminism” on my blog, I was pretty sure others had probably been using it already. I’m glad to see I was right, and that others more articulate than I are making the most of it.

    I agree, I’m glad I found your blog, and I’ll be hanging around reading here.

    Liked by 1 person

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